chapter 18 - Riddled

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From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the school library, Kira was sitting at a table.

Angel walked closer with a book.

Stiles: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Angel sat in front of Kira, showing her the book. "Have you ever heard of something called a Kitsune?"

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the loft, Aiden put Angel's hand up to the barrier of Mountain Ash, making it repel against her and her gasp in pain.

Angel: (voice over from 3.17 Silverfinger) "You think I'm something supernatural?"

Angel looked at Derek in annoyance. "So, how do I figure out what I am if I can't do anything to prove what I am?"

From 3.15 "Galvanize", in Coach's class, Lydia looked toward the ceiling.

Lydia: (voice over from 3.15 Galvanize) "All day I have been hearing this sound."

From 3.15 "Galvanize", in Stiles' room, Lydia was lying on Stiles' bed.

Stiles was kneeling in front of her. "You've been right every time something like this has happened. So don't start doubting yourself now."

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the chemistry classroom, Scott, Stiles and Stacie were talking.

"So you're saying either you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in it from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira and Angel?" Scott asked. "Or that Stacie unlocked the door, putting the key on your key ring, and then forged your handwriting to make it look like you wrote the message telling Barrow to kill Kira and Angel, all to make it look like you did it all, and then she erased the evidence?"

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the loft, Scott was on the phone with Allison.

"They're called Oni," Allison told him. "They're looking for someone who's possessed. Someone with a dark spirit attached to them."  

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the warehouse, Allison, Ari, Adriana, Natalie, Isaac and Chris were meeting with Katashi and his henchmen.

"If one Nogitsune is called, another will appear as punishment for being brazen enough to call one," Katashi told them. 

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in Stacie's hospital room, Void!Stacie sat up in the bed.

Oni 1 reached toward her.

Void!Stacie swung her casted arm through his head hard enough to break the mask over his face, reaching her other hand into the shadows to pull out a firefly, making Oni 1 fade into shadows.

Katashi: (voice over from 3.17 Silverfinger) "There there is Nogitsune among you..."

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in the surgery room, Oni 3 reached toward Void!Stiles.

Void!Stiles grabbed him by his hand. He glared at Oni 3, punching his hand into his chest, making it glow the same green-yellow color, ripping out a firefly, killing it.

Katashi: (voice over from 3.17 Silverfinger) "Let the Oni destroy their target."

From 3.17 "Silverfinger", in Stacie's hospital room, Void!Stacie looked down at her left arm in the cast. She smirked, using enough strength to break the cast off of her arm, flexing it as if her arm was completely healed.


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