chapter 2 - Chaos Rising

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From 3.01 "Tattoos", in Jennifer's classroom, the class sat down.

Ari: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Allison passed a note to Scott.

Scott: (voice over from 3.01 Tattoos)"We agreed to give each other the summer. No texts, no calls..."

Scott read the note.

Can we talk? 

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the foyer of the Hale House, Scott, Stiles, Stacie, Derek and Tara were talking.

Scott looked at Derek and Tara. "How many are there?"

"A pack of them," Tara answered. 

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the school hallway, Ethan and Aiden walked together.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the girls' locker room, Ennish pushed Braedan against the locker behind her, roaring.

Tara: (voice over from 2.12 Master Plan) "An Alpha Pack."

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in Isaac's hospital room, Kali looked at Isaac, holding up three clawed fingers. Her eyes were glowing completely red.

From 2.12 "Master Plan", in the woods, the Alphas surrounded Erica, Boyd and Natalie.

Tara: (voice over from 3.01 Tattoos)"They have Natalie, Boyd and Erica." 

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the foyer of the Hale House, Scott, Stiles, Stacie, Derek and Tara were talking.

"I hear there's a leader," Derek told them.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the girls' locker room, Deucalion pulled on his glasses.

Derek: (voice over from 3.01 Tattoos) "He's called Deucalion." 

Deucalion slashed toward Braedan's throat.

Blood flew onto the wall of the lockers next to them.

From 2.12 "Master Plan", in the woods, Erica, Boyd and Natalie were surrounded by the Alphas.

Natalie looked at the Werewolf in front of her. "Oh, my God."

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the warehouse, Another Werewolf stood inside the fog by the broken window, unseen from the others. It was a girl, her hand at her side, claws on each finger, gently moving her fingers as she watched Ari. 

Through the fog, her eyes glowed completely red.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the alley, Braedan shocked back to consciousness. "Quiet." 

From 3.01 "Tattoos", on the road, Braedan drove Isaac on her motorcycle.

Braedan: (voice over from 3.01 Tattoos) "And hold on tight."

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the school hallway, Allison, Lydia and Braedan were talking.

Braedan looked at Allison. "You're Allison, right?" She looked at Lydia. "And you're Lydia." She grabbed each of their arms. "Where are Scott and Arielle?"

Braedan looked between them, down the hall.

Adriana, posing at Ari, stood down the way, nodding for Braedan to follow her.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the girls' locker room, Braedan and Adriana were talking. 

Adriana was posing as Ari. "What you said last night, about having to warn me and Scott... what did you mean?" 

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