chapter 6 - Motel California

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From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, the floor was crumbling.

Stiles: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Ennis and Derek fell over the edge of the falling floor.

Scott: (voice over from 3.05 Frayed) "I can't believe Derek's dead." 

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the study of the Argent Apartment, Chris and Allison were talking.

"We stay out of it," Chris told her.

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, everyone was fighting.

Allison: (voice over from 3.05 Frayed) "They're trying to kill my friends."

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the study of the Argent Apartment, Chris and Allison were talking.

"How do I stay out of that?" Allison asked.

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the hallway of the Argent Apartment, Allison walked out into the hall.

Stacie was leaning against the wall. "I take it he said no."

"Yep," Allison answered, walking past her.

"But you're not gonna listen, are you?" Stacie asked, following her.

"Nope," Allison answered, turning toward her. "And you're gonna help me." 

Allison smiled, grabbing the crossbow from the table next to her, tossing it to Stacie. 

Stacie smiled, catching it. 

Allison picked up her bow, smiling.

Stacie smiled. 

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, Allison aimed her bow toward the Alphas, letting the arrow loose. The flashbolt landed in the concrete of the floor, exploding. 

Everyone looked toward Allison, with her bow held toward them, her hair in a bun.

Stacie stood next to her, biting her lip, having her crossbow, her hair in a braid. 

Scott and Ari stood a few feet apart, looking at them in absolute shock. "Stacie?"

Derek looked up, looking at Stacie in shock.

Stacie smirked.

Ennis looked at Tara below him, raising his left arm to slash toward her, to kill her. 

Stacie raised her crossbow, shooting a flashbolt into Ennis' right shoulder.

The flashbolt exploded in his shoulder, causing him to stop. 

From 2.02 "Shape Shifted", in the kitchen of the Lahey House, Isaac knelt over Natalie, acting as a shield for the glass showering over their heads.

Tara: (voice over from 2.09 Party Guessed)"Your father locked both of you in a freezer to punish you." 

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the freezer, Natalie screamed, trying to get out.

From 3.04 "Unleashed", in the freezer, Isaac screamed, trying to get out.

From 3.03 "Fireflies", in Lydia's room, Lydia and Stiles were talking.

Lydia looked at Stiles. "I have no clue how I ended up finding that body."

"So, you literally just showed up there," Stiles told her. 

"Yeah," Lydia answered.

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, Tara and Cora were standing on the escalators where Ennis and Derek had fallen.

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