chapter 3 - Fireflies

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From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the street, Ari, Stacie, Scott and Stiles walked toward Heather's House.

Derek: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the basement of Heather's House, Heather led Stiles into the wine cellar. "You know what I want for my birthday? To not be a 17 year old virgin." 

Heather was forced to back into the wall behind her by the shattering wine bottles, looking at the window behind her, screaming in terror. 

Whoever or whatever was there pulled her out of the house, both disappearing without a trace.

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the school hallway, Stiles, Stacie and Sheriff were talking.

Sheriff looked at Stiles. "Stiles, all her friends say you're the last person who saw her."

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in Coach's classroom, Ari was listening, rubbing her hand over her mouth in worry.

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the empty classroom, the pack was meeting.

Tara looked at Allison. "You wanna help? Find something real." 

Scott looked at Tara. "They're on our side now."

"Well, then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night," Tara told him, looking from Scott to Ari behind him.

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the closet at the bank, Allison found Erica's dead body.

Tara: (voice over from 3.02 Chaos Rising)"There's a dead body. It's Erica." 

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in Stacie's room, Scott, Ari, Stacie and Stiles were talking.

Stacie looked at Ari. "That doesn't make Adriana any less an Alpha or any less willing to kidnap one of her best friends or any less willing to be on the opposite side as her twin sister." 

Ari shook her head. "We don't know that for sure."

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the loft, Scott, Ari, Stiles, Stacie, Tara, Derek and Peter were meeting.

Scott looked at Ari. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" 

Ari barely moved her head in a nod.

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", at the bank, Allison looked out of the closet.

Adriana was in the hall, looking toward the door with a knowing smirk, walking away.

"She let me go?" Allison whispered in confusion.

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the vault, Boyd and Natalie stood together.

Cora walked around them to stand on the other side of Natalie.

Scott: (voice over from 3.02 Chaos Rising)"Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd and Natalie." 

Tara looked at Cora, her voice as weak as a whisper. "Cora?" 

"She's our sister," Derek explained.

"Scott, you gotta get out of there," Stacie told him. "They haven't felt the full moon in months."

Allison knelt to the floor, looking from Scott to Ari.

Tara took a step toward her. "No, don't break the seal!" 

Allison broke the seal.

Natalie, Boyd and Cora ran away, toward their freedom.

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