10- Meeting Fu

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Third person POV

"The rest of the car ride was silent, it was like I could hear the heart beat of one of the two boys..or maybe it was the great [Name's] heart." Frank sighed, he always hated when you narrated the room. It made things awkward according to him. "Can you not do that [Name]." You just pout you didn't like to irritate him a lot. "This could be kind of personal but how did you two become friends, and Frank how do you put up with [Name's] shenanigans?" Adrien gave a light chuckle. "I don't pull shenanigans." You retorted.

"Well we became friends the first day I joined the asylum, [Name] didn't have any friends apparently." You butt in. "Yeah ever since I was taken there no one other than John would talk to me, he was kind of like an uncle to me." You smile at the thought. "She was and still is an interesting girl. But sometimes I worry if she doesn't accept and understand her past she'll become worse." He whispers to Adrien as you gazed out the window. Adrien sits there confused.

An odd sound began to occur. "Unknown number." You mumbled to yourself before answering it. "Hello this is [Name] the Great speaking currently my mafia isn't available come by another time." You were about to hang up until a familiar voice spoke up. "[Name] this is Marinette, can I ask you something?" You pull the phone away. "Guys who Is a girl named Marinette?" Frank facepalmed and Adrien sighed. "The blue hair girl who runs the bakery." Frank finally answers. It doesn't ring any bells wondered to yourself.

"Hello?" The voice spoke. "What's your question?" A big huff could be heard. "Would you like to come to the sleepover Alya and I are having tomorrow?" "Why would you want someone like me there, aren't you guys also afraid of me?" The car stopped, we outside our house. "We would like to get to know you, so will you come?" The huge man driving opened the doors for us. "Thank you sir. And thank you August see you tomorrow at the photo shoot." "Wait aren't you going to school tomorrow?"

You let out a disappointing sigh. "What's the point in going if everyone hates you. I'll see you tomorrow though August we are taking photos together." You smile at him and his smile grew wider as he nodded his head. "Yeah bye guys." Frank tapped you and reminded you of the phone call. "I'll see if I wanna come, thanks for the invitation Mary." After that you hung up.

"Your parents aren't home yet, wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Why did you bring her up in class?" Frank gives you a bored look. "You wasn't acting like yourself so I was wondering who that was inside my best friend body." "Just don't bring her up again, okay?" Your voice stern and serious. He reaches his and around your chin and brings it close, our lips barely touch. "Gotcha darling." You push his body away and go to your room.

"What in the world was that about?" you say as you touch your lips. "[Name] I'm not feeling well." A weak voice spoke. You jumped you forgot you needed to see someone for your kwami. "Sorry Cotton I'll go to the kwami master right now." She just nods.

"Frank I'll be back in a bit I'm just taking care of some stuff." You inform him. "Be careful darling." His tone was sorta seductive, that gave you the chills. But you couldn't interrogate him now, you needed to take care of something. "Good thing the rained is slowing down."


Time skip

You knocked on the door hoping the caretaker would answer. It didn't look out of the ordinary like you suspect it would. "Hello [Name] or should I say Rabbit." The old man greeted you. "Hey you're that old guy who tripped when I was running late to school." He nods and gestures me to come in. "What brings you here?" Your smile dropped and you took a seat waiting for the tea to arrive. "Well Cotton might be sick." You say to him as you hand her over. "Oh don't worry, she'll be find in a few just let me treat her."

"That's great...but that's not the only reason I came here." Master Fu arched an eyebrow. "I believe you've made a mistake by granting me the power to be a hero...I don't fit the part, I'm more of an-" "Villain?" He cuts you off. "Believe it or not I felt that after I saw you. But I also felt that you would be an amazing hero. So I left that decision for you to decide." You were shocked, the protector of the miraculous wanted you to choose what path to take.

Before you knew it you felt tears coming down you face. "If I become a villain I'll do what hawkmoth is trying to do." Master Fu was silent. "You guys are going to be the last generation of miraculous holders however Ladybug and Chatnoir wont lose to you in the future." You gave him a smirk. "After Hawkmoth is beaten, you should inform the hero's of Paris that there will be a new villain arising."

Fu nods his head in agreement and pours you some tea. "Come back tomorrow I'm sure Cotton will be healthy again." You down your tea like its a piping cup of shots and begin to make you're way out the door. "Don't you need a reason to become a villain?" Master yells to you. "I'll find my reason soon or later, bye." And with that you walk home in the pouring rain thinking about what he said. "A reason huh? I believe if you're insane you don't need a reason for anything."

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