21- Finding You Out

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Your POV

"Currently I snuck out of school during lunch so I could see Master Fu and I even gave Plagg some disgusting smelling cheese. Kids don't do what I do." "You are a strange girl." I shrug. "Hey Plagg, can you not tell anyone who Hawkmoth is? I promised I'd keep his identity safe and he would do the same with mines." He sighed but surly agreed. "You don't want to know who I belong to?" He questioned me. Actually I never thought about that. "No, not really." He chuckles a little and say something like I'm strange.

"Hello Fu, are you here?" He pops his head through the door frame and greets me. "Hi [Name]!" Cotton's tiny voice filled the room. I squealed. "I missed you sooooooo much!!" Plagg flies out of my bag and sits on the table. "How come you have Chatnoir's kwami?" Cotton questions me. My face drops. "I have Catboy's kwami...omg."

"Did you not know?" Fu ask me. "I knew he was with me, but I had no idea he was Catboy's kwami." "Plagg, why are you with [Name]?" Fu turns his attention towards the cat. "I wanted to eat cheese and it dropped under her bed this mor..."He stopped realizing what he said. Wait this morning? The only two who was in my room was August and Frank. "That would mean you had to be here when the boys were in my room."

"[Name] you should hurry back to school, your teacher is already mad at you." I knew he was just trying to change the subject but butternut was he right. "You're right. Come on Cotton and Plagg." Master Fu waves us goodbye. "Tomorrow night is the final fight Master." I yelled the information at him before running to school.


I bust through the classroom door, luckily it didn't begin yet. As I sat in my seat I seen both Frank and August talking. "Guess I'm gonna have to investigate who the real Catboy is." The two boys spot me and August rushes over to hug me. "Omg [Name] we thought you were kidnapped." Maybe that wouldn't be bad. "Agreste your causing a scene." Frank informs him and August puts me down.

"Well it was fun while it lasted." I mumbled under my breath. Sirens begin to boom throughout the school. "Everyone please grab your items and head out of the school quickly." Ms. Bustier yelled so she could be heard. I check to make sure Plagg and Cotton were doing okay, which they were. "Come on [Name] what are you doing?"

If I wasn't wrong, Kim grabbed my hand and was dragging me out of the school. "Is everyone here?" The principle questioned the crowd. "Marinette what's the problem?" She jumped a little at me. "Oh um I heard there was a gas leak so we had to leave school." I thank her and I was about to turn away. "[Name] why are you holding hands with Kim?" Mari whispered.

I look down and my eyes grow wide. I look back and I see August, he looked angry. "Kim, thank you for making sure I left but you can let go now." I gesture my head at our hands. He quickly let go and his face was beet red. Yandere August must have a thing for Kim.

"For everyone's safety you may all go home." The principle informed the entire school. "Yes!" I quickly shout and go to grab Frank. "Come on Frank let's get to stepping. We got anime to binged." As everyone went there own ways August quickly ran up to me and grasped my hand. Frank just ignored him. "What are you doing Agreste?" The boys stopped. "Agreste?" August questions me.

"That is your name. Noob." I let go of his grasp and walked home. Frank also continues walking, and a few minutes so does August. "So are you two not dating yet?" Frank ask and August looks down towards the ground. I just ignore him.

"[Name] do you even like Adrien?" This got August attention but I still ignored him. I should question the boys about kwami's. I lead them to the park's bench and we all sit. "Does the name Plagg sound familiar?" Frank looked as if he was thinking of it while August looked a little shock.

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