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Third person POV

"Yes Hawkmoth." Frank said as he transformed. "Hey [First name], long time no see." A female voice filled your ears. Tears began to stream down your face as you softly spoke her name. "Autumn.. I missed you." " [First name] who is this?" Adrien asks running up to you. You turn to him, face full of tears. "She's my best friend." Alya frowns before asking. "What happened to her? Why are you crying?" You stood still, thinking if you should say anything. But as you were about to say something Autumn cuts you off with a hug.

"Its not your fault [First name], you didn't mean to do what you did. Accidents happens." Marinette informs the remaining students. "Everyone we need to get to safety if you live near then please hurry home." Surprisingly everyone but Adrien and Alya listened to her. "You need to cause terror in the city to draw Ladybug and Chatnoir's attention!" "Okay. [Name] I'll be back I need to take care of something, when I'm done I'll come back. I swear." She gives you a warm smile. "Okay Autumn."

"[Name] what happened to her?" Adrien hurries and ask. "I killed her when I was 5 years old. I slipped on a toy car. And I pushed her into a truck passing by. I was labeled as a murder and was sent to the asylum. Now she's dead... And its all my fault." Marinette and Alya begins to tear up while Adrien is just shock. "But I don't have to worry about that anymore, she alive and well. That's all that matters." You smile to them.

"No..[First name] she isn't alive, Hawkmoth use his powers to make her be here. That's Frank. And if Ladybug and Chatnoir catch the akuma..then Autumn is gone again." Adrien tries to explain. "Don't be silly August, she's alive." You giggle at him.

"[Name], Alya and Marinette we got to get to safety." Adrien informs you guys. Marinette nods her head and runs off with Alya, but not before saying. "You two get to safety Ladybug and Chatnoir should be out there fighting right now." You watched them run off in different directions, debating what you should do.

"I cant transformed anyway and I rather just spend time with Autumn." You left to go find your former best friend.


"Ah Ladybug and Chatno-" She stooped midway. "What cat got ya tounge?" He smirks but it drops when he see's you. "Hey Autumn, so you want their miraculous also?" You asked. "Try to get her help to take the miraculous." "Hey [nickname], come here." You walk over to her and she looks you dead in your eyes. "If I can have their miraculous then I can stay here forever, with you and Frank." Autumn smiles but yours was a bigger one. "Really?" "I promise."

"Ladybug and Chatnoir, may I please have your super power thingy so Autumn can stay with me forever?" "How do you know this isn't a trick?" Ladybug questions you. "Cause she isn't lying to me I can tell." Chatnoir frowns and rub his hand through his blond hair. "Ladybug. We need to get rid of that akuma now." "But what about [Name]?" He sighs. "If we don't agree to give her our miraculous, she could try to fight us for it. [Name] is a fighter, s-so I've heard."

"You're right, so how do we do this without hurting [Name]?" Ladybug explains. "Guys just do it. What's the point anymore, I can have someone important back in not just my life, but Frank's too. I won't be as lonely anymore." You shout to them which gains their attention. "We... we just cant, what if Hawkmoth uses it for evil. That's the reason we've been fighting" Catboy yells to you.

Autumn goes to whisper in your ear. "I feel bad [Name] what I was saying was true but I'm not real..." she backup a bit. "I spoke with Frank When I was causing trouble around Paris. He understands that I'm not here anymore with you both."

"So.. its just one of Hawkmoths illusions. That's depressing." Your tone empty. Autumn begins to hug you as tears were falling down her face. "I may not be physically real but every emotion I've shown is completely real. I miss you both so much, and to be able to hug you and be around you not just as a spirit is worth it!"

"..Chat you have to use cataclysm and break the bracelet." Ladybug tone full of regret. "How do you know its that?" She points to both Autumn and [Name] wrist. "I see.. I'm on it."

"Autumn, your hair gotten prettier from 2 years ago. I've never seen it curly." She smiles and thanks you. "No matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. Even if you're a spirit. As long as were together." You say as tears begin to build up. "Of course, no matter what. One more hug [Name]?" All you could do was nod and then you began to burst of tears.

"C-Cataclysm..." Chat breaks the bracelet while Ladybug catches the akuma. You were on your knees crying hard. "I lost her again! I couldn't stop her from leaving me again! I hate myself, all I do is cause problems..." Ladybug and Chatnoir stood there silently. "Autumn please come back! I really miss you." You felt a tight grip around your body. "Please stop crying [Name]." Frank coo quietly.

"I have to go my timer is almost up. [Name] I swear everything will be okay." Chatnoir hugs you then leave. "Please take her somewhere safe, I'm counting on you." Ladybug says and Frank nods in return and carries you home. "I need to help her cheer up." Frank says to himself. "We'll see John tomorrow since we don't have school, I promise [First name]." You sniffled in return.

"I love you both, [Name] and Frank. Forever and always." You both hear as if she was right next to you guys. More tears fell down your face, Frank just wipes his away.

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