5- Lost & Confused

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Your POV

"Well it's 8:25pm currently, so I guess I should get going." I sigh regretting my decision on going to this little meet up. "Ears up! I wonder what's gonna happen, oh I do hope its something bad..." As I hopped from roof top to roof top towards the tower I seen catboy searching for something or someone.

"Hey catboy watcha looking for?" He jumps violently and yells a not-so-manish yell. "Ahhh!... Oh Rabbit its just you. Wait where were you? Its been about 30 minutes." I just shrug and sweep him from under his feet. "Wh-what are you doing?" Catboy shouts with a hardcore blush. "What do you mean I'm going to the tower, like we agreed on." "Okay I get that but why are you carrying me, Rabbit?" I ponder at this question for a bit before answering, "Don't know just felt like it."


"Ah, here we go." I say while dusting myself off. "That was tiring we should hurry up and get this over with." Flygirl just looked annoyed while catboy was still blushing. "I'll go first, my name is Ladybug and my specialties are Luckycharm and cleansing the akuma. And my transformation item are my earrings. Nice to meet you." She finishes it off with a smile. "My turn I guess. The name is Chat Noir, my transformation item is my ring. And my ability would be cataclysm the power to destroy anything I touch." He same as Flygirl finish with a smile.

"Well I guess I should be truthful right? Alright my name is Rabbit and my transform-thingy is my headband. Umm...my power is called Puppet Bunny which means I can control anyone or animal with just two fingers." I stroke my invisible mustache to see if I could think of more to say. Then I snap my fingers in realization. "Oh and I'm not really sure if I wanna be a hero or a villain."

"A villain!? But why? You help us out this afternoon." Flygirl shouts at me. "That's because I just felt like it." I state nonchalantly. "Are you trying to work with HawkMoth?" Catboy ask quietly. "Who? Oh that one guy no way I wanna take him down." "Why? What would be your purpose?" You crossed your arms sassily. "Duh Flygirl I wanna be the one who destroys the world. Haha that would total be fun!" "Fun? Rabbit you would make an amazing hero-" He was cut off by a certain bug. "Come on Chat let's go already. She's a villain, which means you can't trust her." Her tone was full of poison. I smile kindly. "No I am not. I'm just deciding which role I would love to play, getting superpowers isn't an everyday things with everyone."

"Even so, as for now until you get your head together we cant trust you." Flygirl sighed. Catboy walks up to you and grabs your hands, you were instantly creeped out. "Rabbit please just fight a couple more battles with us, and if you feel like it doesn't fit you then you're free to be the best villain ever." He gives you a sad smile.

"In that moment a connection between Rabbit and Catboy was born. Could this be love? Maybe some friends with benefits type stuff. Only time could tell." I narrate this moment out loud as Catboy begins to panic. "B-But that's j-just how I feel. M'Lady what about you?"

"Fine do as you please, but just know I'm watching you no matter what." She glares at you and your eyes lit up. "I have my own superhero stalker! Super exciting, im fangirling so hard right now!!" She just waves her arms defensivly. "Well i would love to fangirl some more with you guys but i have an important mission to go on." With that you left.

Third person POV

"Smooth Chat." Ladybug rolls her eyes while chuckling a little. "Hey you have no room to talk, you're basically Rabbit's number one fan." "All jokes a side Chat, we really do need to keep an eye on her. I've never heard of someone wanting to become a villain yet try to be a hero." Chat just rubs his chin. "Maybe its a personal thing."

Ladybug just rubs her forehead tiredly. "We'll figure this out soon, for now let's get some sleep." "You're right M'lady, goodnight." And with that they both departed into different directions.

Sorry its short but hey look on the bright side. No literally go somewhere and look on the bright side of it. See now everything is okay! Bye~ [WackyQuinn]

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