11- A Lost Love

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Frank POV

I look in the mirror and saw the hand prints around my neck. "She really did a number on me." I sigh thinking about what happened at school. "I'm a pretty bad friend, they were mistreating [Name] and I did nothing to stop them...I bet Autumn would've went crazy on them." I frown to myself. "Frank? [Name]? Were home. [Name's] parents yelled through the house. I go to greet them. "[Name] went out she wont be long."

They both frown but then sighed. I'm guessing they don't like when [Name] goes places alone. "Frank." Shane said. I perked up an eyebrow in response. "We need you to watch over her, go to places she goes. Understand?" "How come?" But I already knew the answer to that. "She causes a lot of trouble and you know it." Her mother Emily then responds. "We just don't want her to get in trouble and sent back there, you know how Kyle and James can get." I just nod in return understanding what they want.

"I wish [Name] was here right now, but Frank me and Shane are going to the United States for the month. We're having to do business up there." My eyes widened. "So our good friend Gabriel will be checking in on you guys once in a while." Emily finishes. "Gabriel?" "He's been friends with us since college. He is sot of strict and cold, but he did lose his wife." Her father says in a low tone.

Emily then kisses my forehead and gives me a hug, while Shane shakes my hand and hug me. "We better be off we cant miss our flight. Tell [Name] we love her so much and to stay out of trouble." "Yeah of course." I say as I wave them goodbye.

Hours pass by and [Name] still isn't home, I was really considering calling the police until I heard a banging at the door. "That must be her." I go to open the door and see a soaked [Name]. "Go take a shower and I'll make you something hot." I demanded. She nodded her head and did as I say. "That idiot where has she been? Actually was the matter with her?"

A few minutes later she comes down the stairs and I pull out the chair for her and sit down myself. "Is this tomato soup?" she questions me with a look of disgust. "Yes now eat it. I have somethin to tell you." "I hope you're not confessing your love for me, because-" I glare at her and she shuts up. "Your parents were here earlier and they told me that they are leaving for the United States for a month, Some man name Gabriel will be taking care of us as that is a close friend of theirs. And they told you to behave or James and Kyle will get you."

Her mouth gasped opened. "Gabriel Agreste?" I shrugged because I wasn't too sure myself. "Did they leave because of work or is it because they couldn't stay with me anymore?" I hit her in the head. "You idiot, its because of work. They really wished you were home so they could say bye." She rubs her head and pouts. "Sorry about that."

"[Name] I was wondering something..." She looks me in the eyes and all I see is Autumn. "What is it?" Everything about [Name] reminds me of Autumn; the love of my life for some reason. "Can you still transform into her?" Her smile drops and she was gonna slap me again until she sat back down. I know that was gonna get her upset at me but I needed to know. I needed to talk to her one last time.

"No so drop it already Frank, next time I wont ask again." I sigh and rub my hands through my hair. "No promises."


My alarm clock work me up, I really hated it because [Name] set it as Armin screaming from Attack On Titans. It was terrifying to say the least. Anyway I get ready from school but before leaving I make [Name] breakfast, knowing she isn't good in the kitchen. "That should be everything." I say as I shut and lock the door.

"Autumn if you can hear me I hope you have a wonderful day my love." I smile so she could see me. When [Name] and I was in the asylum she would sometime change into Autumn an old friend of hers, as crazy as it seemed Autumn would posses [Name's] body and we would get to know each other. everything changed, [Name] wasn't there in front of me it was her.

She would change into her often so we could talk and play. But as time passed I began to realized I was in love with her. So one day I told Autumn but she didn't want to accept it. I told her I didn't care about the circumstances I love her for who she is. After that I always hope she would visits me again, just one last time.

I reached up to rub the tears away, more and more often I've been getting emotional because of her empty presences. "Watch out!" I heard a female scream in the distance before I was knocked to the ground. "What the duck sauce." I groan in pain. "Oh Frank I'm sorry." A hand stretches out towards me. I freeze. "Autumn?" The girl shook her head, I think you mistook me for someone else. I'm Marinette." A frown spread across my face. "Sorry." I dust myself off and stand up, ignoring her hand.

"Don't worry its fine. But if you don't mind me asking, Who's Autumn?" I hold back my tears. "She's the love of my life."


School was almost over and I was extremely bored without [Name] here. Class was just too quite, and I'm not much of a quite fan. "Hi class!" An excited voice filled the room, my head shot up. It was her, Autumn was here. "[Name] what are you doing coming to school so late?" Our teacher questioned Autumn. "I got bored at home so I came to school, I mean in reality I don't need this I do qualify as a genius, as the government says."

Ms. Bustier told her to see her afterschool and to go sit down. I had a huge smile on my face. She was really here, after so long I finally get to see her again. "Ew Frank stop staring at me with goo-goo eyes." She snapped her fingers a couple of times and then proceed to pull my cheeks really hard. "[Name] and Frank!" I snap out of my state. "Cut it out or you'll be sent to the principles office."

We both agreed and I looked back over to Aut- [Name]. "When did you get here?" I gave her a confused face, and she pinches the bridge of her nose. "A couple of minutes ago." I began to shake my head. "N-No that was Autumn...not you.." {Name] sighs heavily. "Frank, Autumn is gone. You need to understand that." Tears began to dwell in both of our eyes.

She can't be gone... Autumn can't be..." The class bell rung, school was out.

Ah the feeling of a broken heart, you can make others suffer the way you are. All I ask is for something in return. Fair Heart Slasher?" An unknown voice filled my head. I tried to fight it but I end up losing.

"Yes Hawkmoth." I said as I transformed. "Hey [Name], long time no see."

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