18- Breaking Bad

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Adrien POV

It was lunch time, and I was freaking out. How did [Name] manage to become a prisoner at the asylum she was forced to stay in all her life?! "Agreste calm down I'm sure she's okay." I look up at his face, expecting a smile but all I could see was fear on his face. "Frank you don't look like you believe what you just said." He signs and turns away, not before saying. "I'll come to your house afterschool, we need to get her out of there quick." I nod and he sits with Kim and Max.

"A-Adrien?" I turn to see Marinette. "Oh hey Marinette, what's up?" "Um c-can we go s-somewhere to t-talk?" I wonder what's the problem with talking here, but I'll respect her request. "Sure." We walk over to the side of the school. She stops a couple of meters behind me. "What did you want to talk about?" Marinette takes a deep breathe, she seems very nervous. "I LIKE YOU ADRIEN!" She shouts at me.

Well I'd hope she liked me, we are friends right? I chuckle a little and she frowns. "I like you too Marinette." Her frown quickly switches to a smile. "O-Okay bye." She quickly runs off squealing. "I wonder why she thought I didn't like her." "You are so slow." Plagg sighs heavily and I just ignore him.

The bell rings signaling it was time for class. Luckily school was almost over, though I'm really nervous; why did Frank look scared?


"Adrien you got any plans today?" My best friend Nino asked. That was when I remembered [Name] and I had a date today. "Frank and I are going to have a movie night." He just frowns, I ask what's the matter. "He's stealing my best friend." He said unusually serious, I laugh. "That's not true, but we are friends. So you have to share me I guess." "Agreste lets bounce." Frank yells in the distance heading towards the car. I turn back and wave goodbye to Nino.

"Frank you know you can call me Adrien?" He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. "Its different. No one else calls you it." I look at him and deja vu hit me like I did to [Name]'s pie the day we met, well the day Chatnoir and her met. "That's something she would've said isn't it?" Can he read minds? "Yeah it is."

"I know how to get [Name] out." He perks up and so did I. "Well how?" Frank ran his hand through his brown hair. "As a wise person once told me in a situation like this, go with the flow." I gave him a blank expression. "We just got to do what feels right." I sigh and just agree. "You're risking a lot for her right?" I ask. Frank looks at me with his usual stoic expression.

"Yeah but she risked so much for me ever since we met, this is the least I can do for my best friend. You are risking a lot also. Why?" He says while he rubs his chin. I didn't need to think much about it, I knew my answer. "It's because I'm in love with her." He smiles a little. "Woah..." Was what I could manage. "What?" His face returns back to normal. "You smiled."

"It happens Agreste. Now lets get out this stupid car already." "O-Oh yeah." Franks pulls out his phone. "Are you about to call [Name]?" He nods and put the phone on speaker. There was only one rings before she picked up, however nothing was said.

"[N-" I was quickly hushed by Frank. People were talking but it sounded more like mumbles. After a few minutes everything went silent. "Frank you got to get me out of here right now!" It was [Name], she sounded terrified. "What were they talking about?" He was so worried. She was silent for a moment. "That lady, she knows about Autumn. She know what I used to be able to do." [Name] laughs a little, but something was off about her laugh. It didn't sound like her.

"Dr. Young is trying to take me away from [Name], Frank I need you to save her. I'm counting on you please." "Autumn... I'll do whatever it takes to save you both." I look over at him, his face was full of determination. Autumn was [Name]'s childhood best friend, who died. I snapped out of my thoughts, Frank wasn't on the phone anymore.

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