27- Restart

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Your POV

"Hey [Name], get up you're leaving this place." John's voice boomed through the area. I open my groggy eyes and stretch my sore body. "I'm leaving?" I asked in much confusion.

"Yup your parents are here to get you out of this damn asylum. The day has finally come." His smile was wide. I step out the cell and see my parents talking with someone. What's going on? "[Name]!" My mother ran up to me and hugged me to death.

"We finally get too see you again." Her tears slid down my neck and my father joined in on the hug. "You guys didn't leave?" They pull back confused. "Why would we? Paris is our home. Get the rest of your stuff so we can go home." My father said. I look over at Frank's cell.

"Frank?" He held my hand. "You're finally free [Name]." My eyes began to water, he was once free. "What happening? You and I were out of here, so why are we back?" Tears poured down my face. I didn't understand what was happening.

He wiped my tears as best as he could. "Maybe it was all a dream. We were never free." A dream? My heart began to ache. Adrien wasn't real? "Come on [Name], we got some catching up to do." "Bye [Name], hopefully I get to see you soon." He gave me a very sad smile. "No. You're coming with me."

I run to my parents and got in my knees begging. "Can my friend Frank please live with us? He's the reason I'm alive, please mom and dad." They took awhile but surely agreed. "If they say he's safe to leave we wouldn't mind adopting him." I smile and run to tell him the news, Frank was overjoyed and so was I.

All four of us got in the car and went home. That wasn't a dream, when Adrien cataclysm me if felt too real. I touch where a huge hole would've been and smiled at the memory. "Frank and [Name] we'll set up everything and you guys go across the street to get some snacks." "Okay mom."

Marinette should be here. Frank opens the door and we see a blue haired girl. "Hi what would you like today?" She doesn't remember, no she doesn't know us yet. "Marinette..." My tears started up again. The girl grew defensively. "Wh-What's going on? How do you know me?" Frank stood there confused.

I ran out the building and was knocked onto the ground. "I'm so sorry!" That voice, I look up and saw Catboy. "Adrien!" He nervously looked around. "I um-" I stop as soon as I realize he doesn't remember either. "You don't remember me?" He rub he neck and pondered the thought. "Now that I think about it you seem familiar, but I just can't put my claws on it."

I hug him so tightly. "Adrien Agreste, some time ago we became a couple, I knew who yours, Ladybugs and Hawkmoth identities are. Heck I even brought your mom back into your family life." He was shocked. "I promise no matter what I'll do it all again, this time taking the safe route." I held out my pinky and he crossed it with mines.

"I don't know how you know or will do all that but... I'm holding you to this promise." He smiled. "My name is [Name], the girl who came from an asylum, the girl with another chance at life." He kissed my hand. "It's nice to meet you then [Name]. I hope we become something more."

I don't know how this happened but life is giving me another chance to fix everything and everyone. There's always a price to pay for a second chance. Mines is that no one but me remembers the journey all five of us shared. "That means Autumn probably won't be here." I mumbled under my breath following with a frown.

My price to pay hurts more than anything.

So I finished the book. I hope you guys don't hate me for this, I had many other chapters past this point but I thought why not end it here. End it in a way I won't feel like it's incomplete. I hope you guys got one special message throughout my story.

Insane people love bread.

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