24- Yandere Mode, Oh My

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August POV

I sat there like a complete idiot. Was I wrong to do that? I thought [Name] liked me...

"Agreste, what happened?" My heart was in pieces, if Hawkmoth was here I would've been akumatized. "Adrien." Frank stern voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Frank, does [Name] like me?" My tone low. "What happened?" I touch my lips. "I told her I love her and then I kissed her..."

Franks eyes widened. "What did she do?" "She pushed me away. Is it because of that Luka guy?" I laugh a little yet I found nothing funny. "Agreste, maybe she is ju-" I cut him off. "I'm gonna head out, I need to think about things." Frank just stares at the ground. "I'm sorry Adrien."

I head out of the bakery. "Buddy, everything should be fine. You need to focus on the fight tonight." Plagg tries to encourage me. "She has to be in love with me right? When she reveled her plan to us at Master Fu's home, he said it was love with us. Right, [Name] definitely loves me like I do with her." I chuckle to myself.

"Adrien you gotta snap out of it." I look Plagg in his eyes. "Why don't I surprise her at home? Then we should be able to talk one on one." I clapped my hands. The ideas I have are truly amazing. "Adrien I think her craziness rubbed off of her and onto you. Your eyes are all bonkers." Plagg warned me but of course I wasn't listening.

I go behind a tree and transform. "Plagg claws out!" "Wait think about what you're doing!" He yells as he is sucked into the ring. "I just got to make M'Lady fall for me even harder. I could set up a date on the rooftops with her." I trapped my chin thinking what else I could do. "Whatever I do I'm sure she'll love it."

It takes me about an hour to set and plan everything. "4:30pm, that's an early dinner but we should be fine. I'll see if she's at home." I jump from rooftop to rooftop, enjoying the breeze and freedom. I jump on [Name]'s balcony and lightly tap on her window, a couple of minutes passed and she answered. "Um Chatnoir? Why are you here?" I frowned she didn't call me 'Catboy'.

"Please put a dress on, I have a surprise for you." I smile and she sighs. "I don't know Adrien..." I walk into her room, and head straight into her closet picking out a pastel purple dress. "Here try this on, I bet you would look super cute." I began to fanboy.

"Adrien what's gotten into you?" She seemed upset. "Nothing my love, please just put the dress on." [Name] sighed, she is so beautiful. I step out to the balcony and closed my eyes. "There I'm done." I could feel myself getting excited, I quickly scooped her up and took her to the surprise. "Adrien about today... I was-" I set her down, "Look we're here. Please have a seat."

She goes and take her seat while I detransform. "Oh August, you look really nice." Her cheeks grew a shade of red. "Thank you. You my dear are very beautiful also." She smiles and so do I. She called me August! I go and get the matches to relight the candles. "[Name] he's going insane, like he turned into you." I heard Plagg say to my love.

''Plagg there's plenty of cheese here for you." The dark creature flies into a case of cheese. "Au- Adrien we need to talk." I take a seat next to her. "Please call me August." I tell her as I hold her hands. "This yandere mode just isn't cute, so please cut it out." I was confused, yandere mode? "If Luka bothered you that much, I can surly tell you I'm only a fangirl for him. Nothing more."

See she only loves me, no one else. She's only meant for me. "August, I love you." [Name] smiled and my heart was fixed as if a spell was reversed. "I love you too [Name]." Our foreheads were against each others. I kiss her for the second time today, but much softer. She kissed me back slowly.

We break apart gasping for air. "Does that mean you're my girlfriend and I'm you're boyfriend?" My tone too excited. "Well that's what happens next in the manga's." Her confused tone was filled with laughter. She glance at her watch. "Let's finish our meal. I need to rest up for the fight later." My smile not leaving. "Of course M'Lady."

I can't wait to show her to you mom. The girl who changed my life.

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