17- Saving [Name]

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Your POV

I knock on Frank's door. "Hey Frankie-poo, we're going to home dawg Agreste house." His well build body and calm face swung the door open. "I'm gonna walk to school with Marinette today, I need to set something straight with her." I nod my head and leave out the door. "Sometimes when Frank says he needs to 'set something straight' I definitely don't interfere, he can get a bit scary." I wonder my way over to August home, I might go through the front door.

I ring the bell and the book women asked who it was. "[Name] The Great." I state. Before opening the gates she let out a heavy sigh. "Adrien isn't woke yet please wait out here." She states robotically. "Is Gabriel available? I need to talk about an important matter." "No." I glare at her and she stays robotic. "You didn't even check." My tone growing to become irritated.

"I don't not need to check simply because I'm sure he doesn't want to see you." I grab the collar of her shirt. "Bring him here right now because if he knew it was me the-" She slapped me across the face and pushed me away. "Don't you ever touch me again! Your kind doesn't even need to be on this plant, why do they even pay attention to you?! If I could I would just throw you back into that asylum! Leave right now." She point to the door, breathing heavy.

I still stood there. That slap really hurt, more than the punch I told that random villain to give me. Tears began to fall down my soon to be bruised face. "Leave, I will not ask again." I didn't brother to wipe my face. "Fine. I'm not going to school anymore anyway." As I was pushing the huge doors open a mighty voice echoed throughout the room. "What is all the commotion Nathalie?"

I turn around face full of tears. Gabriel expression turned sour. "What happened?" I was getting ready to explain until. "Nathalie what did you do?" She was shocked, her lord and savor called her out. "I-I was just doing my job, she wanted to see you, but I told her you were busy and that she would have to try again later. That's when she grabbed my shirt and I felt threatened by that." The hag lied through her teeth.

"Nathalie come to my office, [Name] stay there." As they reached the office doors I pulled out my phone to text August that I went to school early, and I reminded him to pick up Chole. When I finish, I leave and walk back home. "Frank probably left already... maybe I'll go check up on John." My hand reaches up to my cheek. "That really hurts."


I rub medicine on my once non-bruised face and covered it with a Band-Aid. "Let's head to the asylum!" I say in my cheery school girl voice, even though I'm basically dead inside. I go head to the back door because I've decided to take my Care Bare bike. "Don't judge me."

It takes about 20 minutes for me to bike there. It should've took only five minutes, but since I'm ultra lazy it was much longer. I step into the door frame and everything goes into slow motion. "Hey what's going on?!" My panicked voice was all i could mange to focus on. "Don't worry basic John I'll be back to take a look at your crib. Sincerely, Lil Smarty Psycho." A familiar voice read a very familiar note.

My head shot up. "John! How you been?" I grin at him. "[Name] this time you went too far, breaking an immate out of here?! What the hell were you thinking?" He seemed angry, I'm not sure why I didn't hurt anyone. "I wanted Frank to be with me." The gaurds picked me up and handcuffed me. "Sorry but you're gonna be here until your guardian comes and gets you. Do you know I could send you to jail?"

I shrugged. "I got nothing to lose." I smirk but as I did an image of August flashed in my head. "You don't belong there, you deserve to live a better life." Basic John voice was low. "Then let me go." He just looks at me and tells me to take them to his room.

"She knows how to get in and out of here so sure you guys keep a close eye out for her." The gaurds nodded and took me to John's room. "So James, Kyle how you been?" It was quite, they never seem to be much of the chatty type.

I was thrown on to the carpet. "Ouch! I think you guys gave me carpet burn!" However they didn't care, the men just walked out and locked the door. "Tch whatever." I look around and noticed the room was different from the night of the break out. "Huh."

Frank's POV

I see Adrien walk into school with only Chole, I was utterly confused. "Yo Agreste, what happened to [Name]?" His face drops and at that moment I knew something bad happened. "She texted me saying she came to school early."

"No she went to your house, did you not hear her?" He shakes his head no. I pull out my phone and call her, there was many rings before a quite 'hello' could be heard. "[Name]?" "Um yeahh." I could barely hear her. "Frank please get off the phone in class." Ms. Bustier asked polity. I point to the halls and she agreed.

"[Name] where are you?" She chuckles. "I'm trapped in one of John's room in the asylum. I can't leave until a guardian comes and get me." I can not believe this.. "Explain to me how you got in that situation after I break you out." "Wait but wh-" I stop her. "I'll be there around 8pm." I then hang up the phone and walk back into class.

It seems like we're having a bit of free time. "So did you find out where she is?" Adrien questioned me. She trust him, which means I should too. I grab his arm and we go into the hall. "[Name] got herself trapped at the asylum and she can't get out with her parents. I'm going to sneak in to save her around eight tonight. Agreste are you in or out?" I look at his face, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

He smiles and holds his hands out. "Of course I am." I gladly shake his amazing soft hands. "Thanks buddy."

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