15- Love? No way. Right?

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Your POV

"Who knew Gabriel Agreste would've been Hawkmoth...right Cotton?" Knowing she wouldn't be able to answer I continue. "It would be a plot twist if August was Catboy." I chuckle lightly. I see Flygirl looking for something. As her midnight eyes met my [eyes color] eyes, she gasped. Of course I was in my heroin outfit. "Rabbit, are you okay?" I nod my head weakly, hoping she wouldn't notice the pain.

She sighs. "Thank goodness, Chat is really worried about you." Her eyes shown a hint of sadness. "Master Fu, Catboy." Catboy face lights up with hope as Fu lets out a relief. "Now that everyone is here, I want to share some news. However these news may not be the best with you." Fu frowns a bit but perks back up.

"Rabbit please come forward." I awkwardly make my fabulous way up there. "She has helped us more than we would like to give credit for. I want to warn you two heroes that the fight for the miraculous isn't over. Rabbit told me earlier that she plans on taking your miraculous." He stops to let the information settle in.

"One battle is all I'm going to need. If I cant take your miraculous by that, then I'll give up and return mines instead." I didn't smile at them like I usually would, instead I just frowned. "This isn't me betraying you or anything...I'm just trying to do the right thing...even if it may not seem like a good thing to do." Flygirl stands up and gets in my face. "Why!? You are always giving us a reason to turn against you... just when I was starting to like you."

"Ladybug... she told us this would happen. Remember?" Catboy tone low. She just 'tch' at him obviously not caring. I lower my head and turn to Master Fu who just smiled. "Cotton...ears down." The two heroes looked at you completely shocked. "My kwami got hurt in the battle do you think you can help her, Fu?" He nods his head and goes to the back.

"Remember you guys owe me a favor since everything worked out." I looked them both in the eyes, they seemed a bit worried. "Just listen to why I'm doing what I'm doing. Hawkmoth told me that only your miraculous can grant someone some kind of wish basically...and at first I wanted it so I could bring Autumn back. However I want to help bring Adrien Agreste mother home."

Both of their faces dropped. "August was the only person in this world who wasn't afraid of me when we met. He defended me when no one else would. His father watches over Frank and I while my parents are over seas." My eyes begins to sweat. "I wanna be able to thank them in a special way. And if that means I have to betray you guys then I will."

"True love always finds a peaceful way for stories to end." Master Fu said coming out of the room. My face turns beet red. "L-Love?" "Come back in a couple of days to get your kwami." I begin to gather my things so I could quickly leave. I didn't want to hear what they had to say to me. "Believe me I know, I've sunk pretty low, but whatever I've done you deserved. I'm the bad guy and that's fine its no fault of mine, some justice at last will be served." I say to the duo before leaving.

Chatnoir's POV

The room was silent, we were taken back by Rabbit well [Name]. "You guys do what you feel is right." After Master Fu told us that we went our own ways, still shocked. "Plagg claws in." "Wow the crazy girl sounds like she likes you." "Yeah it does seem like that." Was all I could say.

"Maybe after are photoshoot I'll ask father if I can take her on a date." "But what if she doesn't like you. What if she was just doing this to pay a favor." Plagg said as he ate his horrible smelling cheese. "I doubt it, what she said come from the heart." I smile and Plagg laugh. "First Ladybug. Now it's [Name]. Good luck."


"August? Hey August?" I hear a name being called. "[Name] why didn't we go through the front, Mr. Agreste would've allowed us to come up here." A male voice said. "Cause this is more fun. Plus I can get a sleepy picture of August." I open my eyes groggily. To my surprise it was [Name] and Frank.

"Ahh!" "Oops, sorry about that-" She stops talking and just stares at me. "What?" [Name] pulls her phone and takes a picture. "You're shirtless Agreste, she's gone full blown fangirl mode." Frank tells me as if it was obvious. "Come on [Name] lets wait for him in the halls." He says while picking her up.

"She climbed through the window Adrien!" Plagg's tone was in such a fright, I just laugh. "I better get ready, they did come all this way for me." 

"Adrien, are you ready to go? Your friends are waiting." Natalie asked me. "Yes I'll be in the car in a few minutes." She nods and closes the door. "Plagg did you know who Hawkmoth was?" He just shrugs and eats his cheese. "No clue. Only [Name] would know." I sigh, trying to understand what goes through that girl's mind.

"Ugh finally August. I was gonna drag you out that room." She smiles widely at me, my heart begins to beat rapidly. "S-Sorry." "Oh [Name] wasn't that sleepover with Marinette and Alya tonight?" Frank questioned her, but she seemed confused. Maybe she forgot. "Who?" I gave her a deadpan look.

"Why don't you know our classmates names yet? You've gone there longer than me and yet you don't know anyone's name." [Name] pouted her lips. "I know Chole, Adrien, Max and Juleka." "You should know more than that [Name]." I tell her, which cause her to chuckle at me. What was funny?

"Maybe we should do some activity so I can remember the class and their names." She sounded a bit sarcastic. "Maybe we will." Frank finishes off the conversation.

"Adrienkins why was those two insane people riding with you? Did they force you to do that?" Chole says as she tries to tackle me in a hug. "No, my father is watching out for them because [Name's] parents requested it." She turns to them both in a disgusted way. "Why don't you ride with us tomorrow Chole, you can even sit next to Adrienkins." [Name] chuckles at the nickname. I just blush really bad.

"Fine. Whatever." Was all Chole said before leaving. I was actually surprised, and so everyone else seemed to be. "Wow [Name] girl you shut her up quickly." Alya said as she put an arm around her neck. "Morning Alya and Marinette." Frank says nonchalantly, I wave to them both. "M-Morning Adrien and Frank." Marinette then gives [Name] a dirty look. "Oh. If you still want me at your sleepover tonight then I wou-"

"Actually Alya and I have plans, so no sleepover." Alya gives Marinette a questioning look. [Name] frowns. "Oh okay then.. Well Frank I'm gonna go take a seat before the teacher comes." He just nods and quickly turn to Marinette. "You didn't have to be so rude to her, she was just trying to be friendly." He glares at her. I just walk quickly in the class. "Remind me to never get on Frank's bad side." I say to Nino, as I sat down.

"Dude don't you feel scared when you're with her?" "What?" He gulped but continued. "She came from an asylum, don't you feel that you might be in danger when you're with her." I gave him a look of hate, not understanding why he would feel like that. "Don't speak about [Name] like that again. Understood?" My voice echo through the class. "Y-Yeah dude sorry."

I sit back down feeling a bit embarrassed. When I look up at [Name] red could be seen across her face as she quickly looked away. I smile to myself, hoping I could ask her out today.

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