22- Falling with you

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Frank's POV

I knock on [Name's] door, she seemed to be talking to herself. Or she could be talking to Autumn, these days you never know with her. "[Name] can we talk for a bit?" Silence was heard on the other side. I was about to walk away until the door flew open. "Sup botch!" She grinned from ear to ear.

"Let's talk about Agreste. Do you like him?" Instantly she said yes. "We are friends Frank." I facepalm. Why are those two so dense? "Do you like him enough to date him?" [Name] didn't even answer the question she just ignored it. "Ooh Frank let's go do something fun, we haven't done anything wild since the breakout." Excitement was heard in her tone.

I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get the answer out of her, whenever it's asked she ignores it. "What do you have in mind?" She jumped up and down. "Something simple; let's bungee jumping of the Eiffel Tower." I sweat drop, she's truly insane. "That's not simple at all [Name]. How about we just go to the top and sit there?" I could tell she was disappointed but we end up getting ready to go. "What's that paper?" She looks back at the slip on her bed. "A letter from John." I shrug and leave.

"Bakery stop?" She asked to which I did agree. Something seemed off about [Name] today. "Hey [Name] and Frank." Marinette waved cheerfully at us. I remember this blue haired girl hated [Name]'s guts. Oh how time passed. "Can I have a strawberry tart?" "I would like two full loaves of bread." I smile a small one. "Coming right up guys."

After a few minutes we received our food, once [Name] paid she left. "Is something wrong with her?" Marinette asked worriedly. "I'm not really sure, but she wanted to bungee jump off of the Eiffel Tower, instead we'll just sit there. So hopefully it calms her." The worried look didn't go away. "Why did she want to go on top of the Tower in the first place?"

"Frank let's go, it's 5 already." I heard [Name] whine. "If you got any problems contact me." I thanked her and hurried to [Name]. "Everything alright girly?" She looks me in the eyes and smile. "Yeah of course. Now let us head on down to the pointy treehouse." I laugh and follow her.

It took about ten minutes to get on the highest part we could. I myself, am not a fan of heights. "Frank if you're scared stay here, I wanna go a little higher." I disapproved at first because I didn't want her to go off on her own. "No stay with me." She frowned. "We are only two levels high, im gonna go higher. It's fine, you stay I'll go." Stupidly I agreed, I didn't want to go higher than this.

When she left my eyesight I hurried and video called her. "Frank what?" Her tone full of irritation. "Just stay on the phone with me." She knitted her eyebrows together. "Cautious much." The irritation still hung there. "Just a bit. You seem kind of off today." She stops. "I am almost at the very top, so the connection will get bad." I sighed. "Then come back down."

"I wanted to come here so I could do an experiment." A wide smile goes across her face and her eyes, she was losing it. "Im gonna go a little more higher and then I'm gonna jump. I wanna see how far these powers can go." I couldn't comprehend what I heard. "And if I die, so be it." After that she hung up. "What the hell is she taking about?! But knowing her she wasn't joking..." I quickly pulled out my phone and called Marinette. I'm not sure why but my gut told me too.

Your POV

"[Name] think about what you are doing? Who's to say these 'powers' won't fail you?" Cotton sweet voice yelled at me. "That's fine with me."

"What about that boy Adrien? He'll be devastated. And His father, you've gotten his hopes up by saying you would bring his wife home. Then there's Frank, your best friend. He'll probably think this is his fault." Another voice was heard, however this one was calm.

"Autumn sometimes you have to take risks." I simply shrugged. "Cotton thank you so much." She looked angry. "Alright let's do this." My heart was racing, but not because I was scared; I was excited. "Three, two, one." I say before I fall to who knows where.

Everything was in slow motion. "Autumn the letter I got earlier said I can't die. All I'm doing is testing that theory." She looked me into my despairful eyes as we were falling. "You could've grabbed me from falling but you didn't." I smile and she just scoffed. "You wouldn't have let me and you know that." I hold her hand and grip it tightly. "Is that why you decided to fall with me?" She just close her eyes and ignore me. I laughed.

All my memories came rushing into my head as I closed my eyes. Mari, Frank, Basic John, Homie G, Cotton, Plagg, Fu and finally August. "[Name] you got company down there." Autumn's nonchalant tone struck my ears. I look down, Flygirl and Catboy setup a safety thing for me to fall on. "You got to be kidding me." I sighed in annoyance.

Everything went back into regular speed and I fell onto the ladybug themed mat. "Nice and fluffy." Autumn laughed. The three of them ran up to me, probably angry. "What the hell is the matter with you [Name]!?" Frank yelled at me, normally I would be upset because I don't like to get Frank angry at me, but they messed up my plan.

"I was testing something and you guys ruined it." Flygirl tapped Catboy and he nodded his head. "Frank, we're about to trust you with something very important. You can't tell anyone." Catboy told him and in no warning they both detransformed. I get up and try to escape.

"I don't know where you think you're going." My hand was grabbed by August. I yank it back, obviously I do know where I'm going. "Home. And I would love it if all three of you guys wouldn't talk to me until I talk to you." I could tell my eyes gave off the 'I mean it' vibe. The boys were about to protest until Mari; my lord and savior, stopped them. "Understood [Name]."

After that I went home and fell asleep since Cotton wouldn't talk to me either.

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