13-Rouge Rabbit part 1

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Your POV

" [First name] let's go see John, I'm sure he'll cheer you right up!" Frank cheery voice boom through the room. "I just wanna be alone, please Frank." His smile drops. "I understand, call me when you need me alright?" I just gave him a thumbs up and hid my face in my pillow I stole from August. It was the next day and you were a mess. You had to sneak out to get Cotton last night also.

"She was right in front of me illusion or not, she was real for that moment. A-And I lost her..." My voice began to crack. "[Name] please stop crying, you might get akumatized." Cotton said worriedly. "I lost my best friend...again..but it isn't my fault this time."

"This feeling is stronger than usual.. hatred, despair, betrayed. So many emotions to work with, so won't you rise Rouge Rabbit?"

"My pleasure hawkmoth. Cotton ears up!" "[Name]? What's goi-" Frank shouts. "Ahh my very first victim! How lovely." Before he got to speak your headband made him disappear.

Third person POV

"Marinette there's trouble!" Tikki informs the bluenette and she begins to transform behind a random bush. When she gets done she sees her partner. "Ladybug." "Hi there Chat." Ladybug held her hand over her heart. "How come you don't call me those pet names anymore?" Chat scratches the back of his neck and apologize. "Sorry Ladybug, I just stopped. We should go quickly."

"La, la, la, la. Do, do, do, do." A voice sang with joy.

"That sounds like [Name], doesn't it?" Ladybug says. "Found you guys!" Her voice boomed throughout the park, both hero's flinched. "Oh no M'lady she's been-" She cuts him off, "We gotta save her Chat."

"[Name] don't listen to Hawkmoth, he's just playing you. He won't being Autumn back!" Her breathing was heavy. You began to walk over to her but stopped when your noses were about to touch. "Ladybug." Your tone soft and innocent. Ladybug puts her hand on your cheek and smiles. '[Name] don't fall under Hawkmoth's power, but still play the roll.' A voice tells you.

"M'Lady move!" Chat voice echoed throughout the females ears. "Got them, bug-a-boo." A grin replaced your once innocent smile. "H-How could y-you..?" You tilt your head and frown. "Isn't this what villains do? Act bad?"

Chat then runs towards you face full of vengeance ready to wack you with his baton. "I'm just following Hawkmoth's orders after all." Then he stops. 'Wait she didn't detransform.' A pair of soft, sweet lips touched against Chat's.

You stopped kissing him, after all you did get his ring. You which then sigh, "And you guys call yourselves 'Paris Protecters', tch."

"Yes Rogue Rabbit, you did it. Now bring it here now!" "How about I bring it whenever I feel like it." You smirked, assuming he would see it. An unbearable pain began to burst through your body. "Right now. Or I will make you regret it." You let out a scream, and fell to the ground. "I-If you d-dont stop hurting me.. who's g-gonna bring you them?"

The pain stops and he tell you to bring it by 8:00pm or else. "Yeah yeah, whatever." The two hero's sat there in silence, as you transformed back to a civilian. "What a pain." You sigh heavily and walk towards the two. "Man that was fun, the insane girl playing the villain." You smile big and cheery. "Oops I better give you guys back your miraculous, before you transform." You say giving them their items back.

"[Name]... Why did you do that actually how did you do that?" Chat questions your life. You only shrug. "Ladybug you're awfully quite you don't wanna nag me about how dangerous this is?" It was too quite, kinda how the asylum was before Frank came.

"Oh, that reminds me." You pull your phone out and dialed Frank's number. After two minutes the call was over. "What's the plan this time [Name], you seem to even have Hawkmoth under a spell." Both hands grasped your face. "Haha really I have that much power right now, that's quite amazing."

"Ladybug what do you mean?" "Before she took my earrings she whispered, 'Don't worry bug-a-boo, my plans never fail.'" Her face grew a little red at the nickname. Chat was confused, how does one girl have this much power. "Yeah my plans always seem to workout." You said sounding a bit cocky.

"Why did you look like the hero Rabbit? It's just that you're purple and white." Chat questions you and Ladybug looked intrigued also. "I admire a lot about her. That could be a reason." Ladybug popped in. "How come when you took our miraculous we didn't change?"

"You guys I think tonight you may defeat Hawkmoth, even if you guys don't have Rabbit on your team you'll have me. Playing the part." They give me a stern nod. "And you guys owe me a favor if this works out, promise?" "Promise." Ladybug and Chatnoir said as they held out their pinky. "Goodbye [Name]." "See you tonight M'Lady." Chat flirty voice spun around in your head.

You whisper quietly to yourself. "Maybe I found my reason to become a villain."

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