20- Fixing relationships 101

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Your POV

"So now that we're out of that situation, explain to me how did you get caught?" I sighed remembering how it all happened. It takes me a few minutes to tell the story of how I became a prisoner, for the second time. August seemed very mad, not at me but at the book women. However Frank was angry towards me because I should not have skipped school. Was that all he got from this?!

"Tch whatever, at least I learned that I can heal and that Autumn and I are connected in some way." "That's pretty strange isn't [Name]?" Frank ask kind of weary. "It is what it is." Gorilla stops in front of our house and both I and Frank wave August goodbye. "Hold on Frank, I got to go brag about August to Marinette. Wanna come?" He sighed. "Only because you guys might get out of hand."

I slam the door open. "Hellooo peasants I've come to speak with the young female with blue hair." My loud voice startled the couple. Marinette just turned around slowly. "What do you want?" I laughed. "Wow someone let the cat out the bag." "Sweetheart why not take them in your room and talk." Mama Marinette suggested.

"Fine." We follow her up to her lovely room that was full of August's. Why cant we just get along, we could start a fanclub. I sighed thinking of all the things we could do. "Wow you and [Name] have so many things in common." Frank said. That's when she realized the posters around the room and she began to snatch them down.

"We wont judge you Mari, you can keep them up." I tell her nicely. She stops what she was doing and takes a seat. "Are you here to try to fight me for Adrien, because that wont happen." I sighed, I really want to be her friend but she totally hates my guts. "Mari...August loves me. He misunderstood what you meant earlier, I'm sorry." I came here to have a shounen manga moment but it doesn't feel right.

"What? No Adrien likes me. He told me today." "He didn't know you meant like you 'like, like' him. He thought you meant as a friend." She begins to cry. "Hey Mari, don't worry. Despite when you're mean to me, you have a good heart. To be honest you kind of remind me of Flygirl." I chuckled a little and so did she. "Ladybug you mean?"  "Same difference."

"Hey I got an idea." Frank said, we turned our attention towards him. "How about you guys make up and try to become friends. And I'll be down in the bakery." "You just want some bread." He snapped his finger at me. "You aren't wrong." "I don't mind if [Name] and I talk." He smiled and went down stairs.

"Can I ask you something Marinette?" She turned her attention towards me. "Did you not like me because I was always around August?" "Yeah, when you first came into our class he stared at you so fondly and I had a feelings he would become closer with you." I touched my chin and chuckled. "That day I was so nervous, I wanted to do something normal but I couldn't help myself."

I stood up to look out the window, night was coming soon. "Ever since the asylum people been afraid of me, so I would try to look how they act normal and copy it. It never worked out." "You don't need to act 'normal' [Name]." I turn to her. "Then why is everyone so scared to be near me? Why does everyone think I'm dangerous..? I can promise you I would never do anything to hurt anyone." I tell the last part to myself.

She hugs me, I was totally shocked. Maybe she doesn't hate me anymore. "Don't worry everyone will warm up to you, especially if your going to date Adrien." She giggles a bit. Date? "Well we better get going, today was a rough day for me." "You always have rough days [Name]." I agreed and grabbed Frank so we could return home.

"So everything good between you guys?" He said with bread in his mouth. "I don't know..maybe."


"Hey, [Name] wake up." "Agreste that wont wake her up." Why is it so loud? People must have a death wish today. "Just splash some water on her, or you could threaten her with no breakfast." I quickly get up, I couldn't bare to live without breakfast. "See I told you Agreste, just tell her no food." I was confused why there was a wild Frank and August in my room.

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