9-A Friend

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Third person POV

"Lock her up in cell number 835!" A man yells. "B-But sir, that's dangerous for a girl her age." The loud man looked into the guard eyes. "She may be young, but what I've seen and from what I was told... She's dangerous. Now lock her up." The guard saluted. "Yes sir."
8 years later (13 years old)

"Rise and shine smarty pants. You got yourself a new buddy." A man said strongly. "A friend..." You smiled hard but said quietly to yourself. "Open cell number 836!" And as on que the doors opened and you heard the chains of a new member walking slowly towards us.

Before going in his cell the young man came to stand outside of my cell. "Hello lovely girl, glad to have you as my neighbor. Such a beautiful sight." My smiled dropped, as tears began to fall down my face. The boy quickly panicked. "Was it something I said or did? I'm really sorry I couldn't help myself from saying that." "No you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just really happy I can have a friend or someone to talk too." More tears begin to fall down.

"Open cell 835!" Your door opens after the buzzer. You feel someone hug you and pat your head. "I swear you'll leave here soon and you will be able to live a normal life. That I can promise you." John said. "Oh yeah by the way my name is Frank Jackson. Please to meet ya." He held his hand out waiting for your hand. "I'm [first, last name] let's be friends." You give him a warm smile.

3 months later

"Stop! Leave her alone, she didn't do anything!" Frank began to yell. The guards were pushing him out the room while John and some other guards were strapping you down to a white table. "It wasn't my f-fault! Please just let me go!" Your screams of pain echoed throughout the room.

"Please [first name] I have to do this, I really don't want to but I have to. So calm down, it won't hurt for long..." John voice full of sadness. "Your lying! Its gonna hurt! Its gonna hurt real badly, just let me go!" Tears were streaming down your face. "Three, two, one. Goodnight child." Said a female doctor. "Okay guys take her back to her cell, and did someone call an ambulance?" "Yes mama." John reported. "I'll take her back to her cell also." She just nods in return.

When John reached your number the doors opened and he tucked you in. "Frank come here now." His voice was stern. "Go in her cell and watch over her. I don't want her to be by herself when she wakes up, understand? Whatever you do, don't remind her about this problem." He gave a simple nod and quietly went in the other bed. "Close cell 835 and 836. I'm sorry I had to do that Lil smarty psycho..." His tone full of regret.

"Frank don't offer me dirty candy..." You mumbled in your sleep. "Especially since its hard...Huh what time is it? 7:30 I didn't get dinner.." You began to look around, until you spotted a figure. You grabbed the tickle ray you made and pointed towards the person as you walked up to it.

You take a good glance at it and realized it was Frank. "Thank god its only you. Wait why is he in here?" You pondered that thought. "Well since I have my tickle ray out.. Why not use it." You giggled to yourself. As you were about to pull the trigger, a girl that looks about the same age as you and Frank appeared. "Hey [First name], it's Autumn." She giggled a little, but you stood there confused. "Why are you here?"

"Don't worry about it. I've heard you might be able to leave this place in 2 years.. Maybe." Autumn said in a whisper tone. "How do you know, were you snooping around again?" "What no! I just heard it by chance." You cover her mouth as Frank was moving around, but quickly fell asleep. "Autumn you can't be so loud, you might wake him." She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oh yeah your beat friend." A small smiled appeared on your face. "Of course. But no matter what you will always be number one. Ah! Tomorrow you and Frank should meet each other." Her face lit up for a second, then quickly dropped. "I'm like a ghost or whatever, you do know I will have to take over your body?" You nod your head. "I don't wanna repeat yesterday's event.." "Who cares. Now will you take the chance to take control of my body?" Autumn smiles in return and agrees. "Okay." You breathe heavily and begin to chant. "I as in [First, Last name] give Autumn Ruff the power to control my body for a while. Good luck." You gave a big smile to her.

The next day/ Autumn's POV

"Rise and shine Frank and [First name]. Breakfast is served." There was a long pause. "Alrighty John we'll be down in a bit." Frank spoke first. I just nod my head in return. As soon as John left, the boy came up to me and head-butted me. "Who the hell are you!? And what did you do to [First name]?" I was in lots of pain and shock, how did he realize so fast? 'Autumn just be honest, tell him everything about you and I.' "Um..m-my name is Autumn I'm like a spirit but [First name] and I are best friends. And last night she said to take over her body so we could meet. I just didn't expect you to realize so soon." He stared at me, as if he was trying to figure out if I was lying or not.

"I only figured it out because you didn't hurry and run to breakfast." I was lost at words, I'm not around her enough to know what she does. I'm always trying to figure things out in this place. "How are you a spirit? Or when did you meet each other?" "I'll tell you after breakfast, promise."


"Okay tell me now." His voice stern. I just sighed in return. "Well I died when I was 5, I died because of [First name], that's why she's here in the first place. We were playing outside, both of our families are amazing friends. Anyway when we were playing she tripped over a car toy and..and she pushed me in the street. A truck was passing by and they hit me... Everyone was too late and they thought she pushed me on purpose. She was labeled as a murder that could become insane in the future. Because of that she been in this place, this jail cell for 8 years..." I tried to search his face for emotions but my eyes were to watery to see anything. "[First name].. You don't have to cry, I know it wasn't your fault." I tell her with a soft tone. The next minute I felt a tight grip around my body. "Can you guys switch back now, I want her to feel this the most." I laughed slightly and agreed. "[First name] let's switch, I've done my job."

"I'm glad you've made a friend who doesn't judge you, or label you as a monster.. That's all I ever wanted you to find." I smile to her. "Me too. And I'm glad you always stayed by my side too Autumn." She whispers to me and gave her famous warm and loving smile. At that moment her spirit was gone now and forever.

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