Chapter 7

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Tyra POV

"He's... nice." Lucky hesitantly said as Ray left to his next period class.

"Yeah. I know." I smiled in admiration at what used to be the the spot he stood.

"How long y'all been dating?" she asked.

I quickly turned my gaze to her. "What you mean?"

"How long have you and Ray been going out?" Lucky said slower and in a dumber tone.

"We aren't even dating...yet."

"Yet?" Mickie asked.

"Yet." I reassured. "I'm working on it, though."

Mickie squealed with excitement and jumped up and down. "Thank the Lord! I was beginning to think you were gay." She blurted.

I lightly chuckled and asked why she'd think that.

"Because you haven't crushed on a guy since Nikko was here. That shit was last year and ever since you been saying that guys weren't for you. That and the fact that you act somewhat gay sometimes." Mickie explained.

This time, I really did laugh. I actually expected Mickie to say something like that, but not so blunt.

The only reason I hadn't been interested in any guys lately was because my last relationship was with Jaden...who became quite controlling after a while. After we'd broke up, I later caught feelings for a nice guy named Nikko. The feelings were neutral and quite obvious and we were almost a couple until Jaden and his "gang" decided to go after Nikko. They jumped him and got the point across that I was off limits to every guy in the school. I'd had small feelings for guys around us but for their safety and health -- and full use of their legs -- I never spoke to anyone about my feelings.

That's probably why I feel weird about letting people know how I feel about Ray. I didn't want to make it obvious how much I feel for Ray or anyone for that matter. I didn't like talking about my feelings and wouldn't like anyone to know ever since Jaden went ballistic on the last guy I liked.

"Well you thought wrong." I quickly said. "How's things going with you and Mateo?"

Lucky shrugged and opened her books. "I dunno. Sometimes I feel like he only wants me because of the sex. He barely acknowledges me anymore and it sucks. I feel like I'm single rather than cuffed."

Yes, Lucky isn't a virgin. In fact, she lost her innocence to Mateo. I found it utterly revolting that she could easily have sex with him whenever she pleased. I mean, have you seen him? He's not exactly a good catch. He's disgusting. He's revolting. She's beautiful and has manners. They were complete polar opposites, but then again I can't judge since that's how it is with me and Ray.

"If you feel that way, why don't you just leave him?" Qiana said in her matter-of-fact tone.

Lucky scoffed and grimaced. "I wish I could! But there's something about him that keeps me going back, even after all of our fights and arguments. Jeez, if I knew what the hell it was."

I shook my head and watched as Qiana applied her makeup. I listened to Lucky's complaining and sighing. Mickie refused to put her input considering her input would most likely result into a fight between the two.

Mickie may have been all about food, but she was well known for great advice and a short temper. While she'll give you advice, she'll throw shade and become easily annoyed if you were too stubborn to realize the obvious.

"Mickie!" Lucky whined. "What do I do?"

"Don't ask me. Remember last time?" Mickie said, referring to the time Lucky asked for advice on something about her hair and Mickie told her to just chop it all off and become a monk. Mickie was totally serious about the monk part, but Lucky found no amusement or pleasure in the answer.

"I won't go ballistic! Please! I'm begging you." Lucky pleaded.

Mickie sighed and sat her Oreos in her lap.

"Fine. You wanna know my answer? Get over the prick. It's obvious all he wants is your free pussy and you staying around is helping no one but him. He doesn't even claim you and you're here judging Ray and Tyra's relationship - if there will even be one thanks to your conceited ass. Break up with him and get over him and find someone totally better because it's obvious as fuck that you're nothing to him anymore."

The group was pretty quiet after that. Mickie wasn't even mad, just annoyed. She huffed and turned around to finish eating her Oreos. Lucky's eyes were puffy and it looked like she was ready to cry. Qiana was too stuck in the mirror to care about what Mickie had just said.

"Well what do you think, Tyra?" Lucky asked.

"Uh...Um.. See, I'm single and a virgin and definitely not going to piss anyone off right now... But I kind of agree with Mickie on some points. Just leave him. But move on at your own pace." I hesitantly started off. I was being a hundred percent honest, though.

I was single and a virgin so therefore, my comment was probably irrelevant compared to the others. It's not like I'm able to say "Stop messing around with Mateo because he treats you badly! Dick isn't everything." when most sluts, excuse my language, probably think dick is everything. What else are they supposed to think? That's all they know.

"Whatever." Lucky rolled her eyes. "I gotta go." She grabbed her bag and collected the little books she did take out and a pen. She stood from her seat and walked out, obviously pissed off by my remark. It wasn't my fault she was too scared to break up with someone who ignores her and treats her badly when not ignoring her.

"Where the hell do you have to go? You have no life outside of us and riding Mateo's dick." Qiana stated loudly and rudely. It caught all of us by surprise, especially Lucky.

Lucky's face turned red as she held her breath from embarrassment. She huffed and turned towards the door before marching out. The slam of the big wooden door was followed by a loud scream and the sound of lockers slamming and glass breaking.

Knowing Lucky, she kicked or punched the lockers and found a way to break the glass window in one of the doors. She had a mean temper, one to match the guys in MSFTS gang. It was scary how much alike she was to them.

It sometimes made me worry about her and what dumb stuff she does in the streets when she's pissed off. I know I couldn't handle my temper if I lost it in the streets. But then again, that's what Ray's for.

"Girl, that was wild mean what you said." I said, "I think that was foul."

"Facts, B. Blew up her spot and everything./ Mickie agreed, finally putting the food down.

"Boo-Boo, I don't give a fuck. She was pissing me off anyway." Qiana stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Bout time somebody told her what's real."

"Yeah, well blowing up her spot was not real." Mickie said, "You fake for that. Now the whole class know--"

"Know what? That she a hoe? Well I would assume that they knew that before hand. Hell, I knew before I became friends with her." Qiana said with a neck roll.

"Still." I sighed.

"Whatever." Qiana huffed. She turned around and crossed her arms for a good minute before she decided to do her makeup to calm down.

Lo Siento for late update. Ty-Ty is pretty damn mad at me too  I'm sorry Typhoon ! I love youuuuu ! ❤

Anyways , hope ya guys liked it. I updated juss for youuu. And Tyra.. But you too.  lmaoo Byeeee lovess

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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