Chapter 32

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Mickie's doctor finally came out with a clip board and a pen. He was dressed in the usual white scrubs with the hideous nurses' shoes.

He looked to be about 30-35 years old and had slight specks of grey hairs coming in his beard along with stress wrinkles around his forehead.

"Mikayla Jhené Walker." He said without looking up. Mickie's parents stood up along with Chresanto and Ray and I. Ray nudged me towards Mickie's parents.

I walked towards Mama Walker and held her hand while Mickie's doctor spoke.

"Well I have good news and I have bad news." He sighed. "Which would you like to hear first?"

I gulped, knowing what was coming next.

"Good news." Mama Walker sniffled. She wiped her eyes with the tissue that the nurses gave her along with a tissue box.

"Okay," he said, "Lemme start off by saying my name is Doctor Miller and I was the one to do surgery on your daughter. Now the good news is that the bullet she was wounded with didn't hit any major arteries and I was able to fix damage to the best of my abilities. Your daughter should be fine for now, but if she experiences any pains due to the wound, I'll be more than happy to help with that. I'm prescribing some pain medication and I suggest she stays on bed rest for a couple more days to a week. She'll be able to go home in about a week or so." Dr. Miller explained.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Miller. You saved our baby girl. I don't know how to repay you!" Mr. Walker said.

"Unfortunately..." Dr. Miller trailed off. He sighed and sat the clipboard down.

"I'm sorry for your loss. We have a family support center in the West wing if needed and therapists who specialize in this type of loss." Miller started off.

"What are you talking about?" Mama Walker asked, her grip on my hand tightening.

"Your daughter was shot in the abdomen, her uterus to be exact. I'm sorry but the fetus did not survive."

"Fetus?" Mr. Walker asked. "Mikayla was pregnant?"

Miller calmly nodded. "I'm sorry."

Before anyone knew it, Mama Walker fell to the floor in heavy sobs and Mr. Walker was pouncing on Chresanto, screaming curse words and threats.

"You got my daughter pregnant?" Mr. Walker yelled. "I should've known better than to let some street scum into my daughter's life." He was throwing punches and shouting profanity and death threats. I was only able to comfort Mama Walker.

I yelled for Ray to do something, but he was zoned out. Hospital security got involved and had to hold him down.

"Think of your daughter, sir." Chresanto calmly said. It was like he was unaffected from what the hell just happened.

"Daughter?" Mickie's father scoffed. "What daughter?"

"Ronald!" Mama Walker yelled. "Mikayla! Think about Mikayla!"

"You mean that hoe laying in the hospital bed with a dead baby? That's no my daughter. I don't raise sluts."

I gasped and held back tears. I was so angry at Mr. Walker, I would've killed him right then and there regardless of I am a pacifist. What father can say that about his daughter and not feel a thing? This was so unreal to me. I didn't think he could say that and get away with it. Even when I expected Mama Walker to say something, she just sat there with a shocked expression on her face and tears streaming down her puffy cheeks.


"What the fuck?!" Chresanto yelled, charging towards him. Myles and Jacob held him back. "You don't dare say that about Mickie! I swear I'll kill you for talking about her like that!"

Mr. Walker laughed maniacally and just shook his head. "I'm leaving; I don't want that bitch coming back to my house either."

What the heck was wrong with that man?

Mama Walker cried into my arms and held onto me for support. Mr. Walker left, never to be seem again that night.

I wouldn't have been surprised if he changed the locks on their crib so Mickie couldn't come home. He was the type to do that.

"I apologize for my ex-husband's behavior." Mama Walker apologized after getting herself together. "When can I see her?"

"Tomorrow's visitation hours are posted on the board near the nursing station." Miller said. " I'm sorry for your loss." He exhaled sharply and walked away.


The ride home was quiet and awkward. Mama Walker got a cab ride home whike while the rest of us went with Jacob as he dropped us off. I was the first to get dropped off. Ray walked me to the door.

"I'm sorry for everything." He said. This night was full of everyone apologizing.

"Don't sweat it." I huffed. "I'm tired." Lie. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." Hopefully. "Good night." If it's possible.

"I can --"

"No. I wanna be alone." He sighed and nodded.

"G'Night, Ty-Ty."

"G'Night Ray Ray."

I walked inside and threw my keys on the kitchen table. I walked to my room and kicked my shoes off. I fell onto the bed and immediately fell right asleep. My body was exhausted. My mind was exhausted. My best friend was in the hospital. What was I gonna do?

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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