Chapter 11

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Tyra POV

        "I'm just saying," Lucky said, "I don't think you should get close to that guy. I've heard some things about him from Matty."

I rolled my eyes and took a seat at our lunch table. Yet again, Lucky was babbling on and on about how I shouldn't trust Ray. Apparently, he's done some really grimy things in the past and Mateo and the other MSFT crew were conspiring against him. I didn't care, though. I didn't see anything wrong with Ray. He was fine with me. He treated me nice and was very respectful. I had a feeling he was in a gang and the last time we talked, he told me he wouldn't put me in danger. My feeling was right.

"I don't think you know what you're talking about. Just get to know him. please." I practically begged Lucky all weekend and then some to change her opinion about Ray and at least give him a shot. She, of course, being the stubborn person she was, wouldn't hear of it. I was just tired of hearing her talk on and on about how Ray and Mateo have some feud and how Ray and Jaden don't like each other. All she talked about was Ray and someone else having some type of tension between each other and how that was of danger to my safety.

What the hell my safety had to do with Ray's drama, I had no idea, but Lucky wouldn't stop "warning" me about it.

"Fine," Lucky huffed. "Just don't say I didn't warn you." She rolled her eyes and took a seat across from me. She crossed her arms and threw her head down on the table. I can't say I didn't expect her to get mad at me about this because in all honesty, we'd been having quite a lot of fights ever since I started talking to Ray. I knew she didn't want me talking to him, but seriously? Was my relationship with a guy really worth throwing away five years worth of friendship? I don't think so.

I think we all knew that Lucky was a bit over dramatic. That was established when she first came to our school. But I didn't think she'd go as far as to throw away friendship over a guy she didn't even know like that.

"Warn you about what?" Mickie asked as she took a seat next to me with her tray full of food. For lunch, we were having Sloppy Joe's with a little too much sloppy.

"About Ray." I rolled my eyes.

"What about him?" Mickie asked as she took a bite of her food.

Lucky sighed and glared at me. "I'm just sayin'," she said, "I don't think him and his friends are up to any good. There's something about them that makes me uneasy."

I rolled my eyes at her comment and looked to Mickie for confirmation. "You talk to Chresanto, don't you think this is total b.s.?"

Mickie shrugged. "I don't know, Tyra. Chresanto's friends are a little bit too secretive." She took another bite of her food and swallowed it down before taking a sip from her cart of chocolate milk.

"Ha!" Lucky exclaimed. "She even agrees!" Mickie held her hand up and swallowed the chocolate milk down her throat. "I didn't say I agreed with you, Lucky Charms." Mickie said.

"I said that they were a little too secretive. But yeah, I do agree with you." She said to me this time. "That is b.s."

Lucky rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ha!" I exclaimed this time, pointing my finger at her. "She even agrees!" I mocked her previous tone.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." she said. "I still think they're no good. Y'all better watch out or else you'll be on the next episode of 48 Hours."

Mickie and I rolled our eyes and shook our heads. "I don't think you get it, do you?" I groaned. "You can't judge someone based on what your boyfriend says."

"I've seen him doing some things before!" Lucky announced.

"Oh yeah," Mickie laughed. "Like what?"

Lucky leaned in and gestured for us to do the same. We did as told and listened intently.

"Gang shit." Lucky whispered as quiet as she could.

Just as she raised her finger to her mouth and mad a shh sound, a pair of hands groped her forearms and a voice yelled "Boo!" Lucky screamed and instinctively covered her face.

Mickie and I laughed and hive-fived Q as she took a seat next to a still terrified Lucky. "Lucky, look up. It was only Qiana." Mickie said.

Lucky unshielded her face and frowned at Q before saying "Hmph." and turning away. She looked around for a familiar face, Mateo I'm guessing, and turned back to us with a disappointed look on her face.

"Anyways, since we're already talking about gangs and shit," Mickie took another bite of her Sloppy Joe before wiping the chili from her mouth and talking again with a full mouth, "how do you feel about Mateo being in a gang?"

Lucky smiled and flipped her hair. "I'm completely fine with it. That means I have protection, and Mateo loves me. He'd never hurt me and he said I'll never let me get hurt. Ever."

"Fucking hypocrite." Mickie scoffed.

Lucky looked at Mickie and grimaced."How?"

I shook my head at Lucky and waved to Q who looked as confused as Lucky.

"You're talking to me and Tyra about staying away from Chresanto and Ray because they're supposedly involved with gang shit, yet your boyfriend is in a gang and you have no problem with that. That's bullshit."

I rolled my eyes and balanced my head on my platformed arm. My chin rested in the palm of my hand as I looked intently at Lucky.

"You know," I spoke up, "I knew Ray and Chresanto were affiliated with a gang for a while, but I didn't mind because well, who isn't around here? I dated Jaden Smith for Pete's sake." Lucky was quiet and nodded, "But I had no problem with him being in a gang now did I?" I asked. Lucky shook her head.

"That's different." She piped up.

"How, Lucky?" I asked.

"Jaden's father was in charge of the gang. He'd have no choice but to be in the gang."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "No, because Willow isn't in the gang. She's been trying to stay as far away from gang stuff for the longest."

Lucky was quiet for a minute. "What's your point?" she finally asked.

I shrugged. "Same point as yours was. I don't think Mateo is any good for you either."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And why is that?"

"Because, Lucky, I'd known Mateo and Jaden's clique longer than you have and I know what they're capable of. They're definitely no good, especially if they found a way to pick on Ray and Chresanto's clique." I said.

"Whatever," Lucky rolled her eyes. "You know what, talk to me later when you're done fucking with the bad guys." she grabbed her bag and left the table just as Mateo walked past. "Babe, wait up." she called. He kept walking.

"Okay, what the hell was that about?" Q asked.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head."Nothing," Mickie said. "Just Lucky being Lucky." Mickie said, quickly disregarding the whole thing.

"Well, if that's how we feel, I guess I should tell you guys something." she smiled.

"And what's that?" I asked, suddenly feeling much better now that Lucky had left, along with all the tension and bad vibes she was sending off.

"I have a boyfriend." She giggled and looked around. She locked eyes with a kid at Ray's table and waved to him with a blushing smile.

"You're dating J.L.? Mickie asked with a surprised scoff.

"Yeah," Q squealed.

Yeah, I don't know what else to say now so let's just pretend that this was a fabulous chapter and that we all like it, yah?? LOL. Okay, I guess I should go. Share. Vote. Comment. Follow my Twitter @Miqualia5SOS

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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