Chapter 42

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One Monday, when I stayed home sick, I contemplated whether or not I should run away with Ray. I wanted to go and be with him happily, but I knew deep down that trouble was destined to follow us no matter where we went to live. I also took into consideration how much I still wanted to go to school for psychology.

If I'd ran away with Ray to live, it wouldn't be a definite plan on me going to college. I'd like to have a shot at psychology, but if I didn't go to school for it then how would I be able to try out the job of my dreams? I didn't want to always depend on Ray for support, whether it be emotional or financial. I wanted my family to help me as well as me helping myself to get on my feet.

The pitter-patter of the rain droplets on my window helped to keep me in a calm and subtle state of mind. The central air of the house was at a comfortable 65°, not to hot yet not cold at all. Just right for me.

I fell asleep twice before throughout the day and at the moment, school was probably just letting out. Ray told me he'd be by later today to drop off my homework and notes as well as some soup for me. I insisted that the school work was enough and that I didn't need the soup but he was set on bringing it. I couldn't argue with that. I'd learned from past experiences that once Ray got his mind set on something, he was going to do it regardless if I said no or not.

TJ(BroDatt) - Sis you good?
- * Yeah, I'm Gucci. Can You Bring Home Some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Tho ?

I pressed Send and flicked through my TV stations, suddenly bored with Girl Code. Minutes later, the doorbell rang and the front door opened. Footsteps trailed through the house before Ray came in my room. Honestly, I forgot he had a key to the house.

"Hi, Ty-Ty." Ray smiled before attempting to peck my lips.

"No kissing. I'm sick." I said sternly. Ray rolled his eyes and kissed my lips anyways. I wished he didn't because now he'd probably get sick too, but at the same time I missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Now you're going to be sick. Don't cry to me when your throat hurts like hell and you can barely breathe through your damn nose." I pointed a finger at Ray and scowled. He just shrugged and went through his bookbag for what I'm guessing was my work.

"Here, baby girl. This the work from your classes. I got most of them from Q. This," he gave me an orange paper with bold words, "is your project outline for Chemistry. Mrs. Balay said it counts for 20 percent of your grade."

I rolled my eyes at the mentioning of Mrs. Balay. She pissed me off a couple days ago and I was still holding a grudge against her for what she did.

"Did I miss anything else during school?" I asked curiously. "Did Chresanto come back? Mickie? Any fights?"

Ray chuckled and shook his head. "Naw, no fights. Chresanto still a crackhead, still owes me ten dollars, still a lost cause. Mickie came back to school finally but she's mute. I think Chresanto really fucked up her head, but she should be fine eventually."

"Aw. Damn. I wanted to be there for her on her first day back." I pouted. "Did she ask about me?"

Ray shook his head and stood from the bed. He stretched his back and walked out the room. Returning a minute later, Ray came to the room with a big container full of chicken noodle soup from the Chinese restaurant.

I grimaced before taking the container and sitting it on my lap. "How much was it?" I asked, quickly diving in to the soup.

If Ray thought that I'd let him spend money on me without me paying him back, he was crazy. He may have been an obdurate and thoughtless person, but I was also an independent and determined person as well. Everything had to go my way or I'd dwell on the thought for a long long time.

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