Chapter 15

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        "What the fuck was that?" I yelled as I sped down the road. My hands gripped the steering-wheel tightly and my blood was boiling. I couldn't believe that E.J shot Lucky. I never said for anyone to shoot, although I did want to hurt that inconsiderate bitch. I wanted to be the one to hurt her, but I never planned on shooting her.

"I saved your ass!" E.J yelled back. He looked in the backseat to where Chres and Craig were forced to hold Lucky as she cried out in pain. She would be alright, I think she was dragging the whole situation.

"What the fuck do you mean you saved my ass?!" I yelled, "I was perfectly fine. Do you not see her?"

Her cries for help were becoming really annoying, but I didn't plan on dropping her on the side of the road. I hadn't any idea what happened to Mateo, but after he went in the back of the house to check what was going on, I didn't hear from him anymore. I'm guessing the other guys handled him because E.J. claimed to have never seen him.

We pulled up to the hospital in a matter of minutes. We didn't have much time to deal with the questions that they would ask us so Chresanto just opened his door and dragged Lucky to the nearest nurse who was outside on her smoke break. Lucky just cried out in pain as she was forced to walk on her leg that got shot.

Yes, she got shot in the leg. Well actually, around her Achilles tendon area. She was crying like it was somewhere important or critical like her chest or shoulder.

"Wait!" one of the nurses yelled as Chresanto slammed the door shut and we sped off.

We pulled up to J.L's house and  went towards his basement. We hid all our guns in secret places, knowing that sooner or later the cops would come and raide all our places. Lucky was sure to tell who we were and our exact names.

"Thanks a fucking lot, Elijah." I hissed.

He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. "You're blaming me for this?" He asked unbelievably. I nodded and faked a gasp. "Ya don't say?"

"As I recall, it was your idea to do this whole thing! If you weren't so fucking desperate for that bitch--" Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by my fist to his jaw. He stumbled over and I grabbed the collar of his shirt.

Slamming him against the wall behind him, he held his jaw and glared in my eyes. "You're going to watch what the fuck you say about Tyra, okay?"

E.J. laughed and was about to speak again before I shoved him again. Chresanto clawed me off of E.J and held me back while Myles held E.J.

"Look, fighting ain't gonna solve shit here!" Jacob yelled.

"Yeah, well it'll make me much happier." I scoffed.

"What is your fucking problem, Ray?" E.J asked.

"You're my problem! If you stuck to the fucking plan, this wouldn't have happened!"

"What plan? All your ass was saying was that we go in and get them back for hurting your girl! You said you wanted her hurt like she hurt Tyra! I fucking saved your ass when I saw her holding you up."

"Holding me up?!" I yelled, "I had a gun and she had a fucking frying pan! How was she holding me up? I could--"

"But you didn't!" E.J cut me off, "You know what? I'm tired of this shit. I'm out. I'll talk to y'all later. Bye." He tore from Myle's grip and stomped out the door. I rolled my eyes and snatched away from Chresanto.

"I'm leaving. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." With that, I left J.T's house and went home.

Tyra POV

"She really did that to you?" Mickie asked as she examined my face in class Tuesday morning. I refused to go to school yesterday because I was embarrassed of my face, as well as the fact that I didn't want to face Lucky. Knowing her, she'd probably humiliate me.

I reluctantly nodded and looked down at the ground. "Please don't look at me like that." I pleaded, referring to the hint of pity evident in her facial features.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Mickie frowned. "I'll fight her, I swear I will!"

I shook my head and sighed. "Don't please. I don't want you to get hurt."

Mickie laughed aloud and shook her head. "Lucky can't hurt me." Well I guess that's true.

Mickie used to be a boxer. Her aunt found that if she enrolled Mickie into something productive, she'd stay off the streets. That productive being hanging out with Mickie's cousins. Her cousins were into boxing and signed Mickie up for it. Mickie was one of the best boxers in her class, it was like a natural talent. Not only was Mickie a good boxer, but she was also fantastic in kick boxing.

"True, but--"

"Oh my gosh, guys! Did you hear what happened to Lucky?" Q asked as she rushed in the classroom.

We shook our heads. "No, what?" Mickie asked curiously.

"She got shot last night."

So I'm sorry for a short chapter, but I ran out of words in my mind. I'll try to make this up later. Bye !

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~

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