Chapter 19

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"So, I think we broke up." Chresanto sighed as he ran a hand frustratingly through his curls.

"Damn, Santo, you really fucked up." I couldn't help but to choke a laugh.

"Really? Because last I remember, you fucked up too, Ray." He defensively said.

So apparently, Santo and Mickie broke up because Santo had the nerve to call Mickie a bitch and et cetera, et cetera.  Now he's all mopey about it and I really can't blame him. I was the same way when Tyra finally walked out on me.

Actually, I still can't believe she did that. She hit me, finally, and then walked out,  It's not like I'm completely disappointed in her decision. I'm more confused with my own emotions.

I was relieved that she finally left because now the MSFTs won't really be after her anymore. But at the same time... I realized at the moment she left my house for good... that I loved her.

Damn, I sound like a bitch. Talking about how I love Tyra and shit, but I can't help myself. I found love in a hopeless place.

Now I sound even more of a bitch. Quoting Rihanna lyrics and shit. But it was true. Who would've thought that I, Rayan Lopez, would ever fall in love with Tyra James? I didn't even think that was possible and I was pretty much obsessing over her.

"Okay, well Tyra was a target. I'm actually glad we broke up!" I was lying through my teeth. I'm sad we broke up. I love her.

"You weren't saying that when she punched the shit outta you." Chres pointed out. Fucking pussy.

"You're still crying, though." I smirked because I had him stumped at that statement. I cried when Tyra left, I won't lie about that, but I got over it. I still love her even though she has a damn good right hook and even though she probably hates me. But then again, everyone wants something -- or someone -- they can't have. I wanted Tyra.

"You're--" Chresanto sighed and kept quiet.

Hours later, we finally started speaking when the other boys arrived at the crib. Yes, we didn't talk to each other for hours. We kept ourselves occupied with our cellphones and an awkward silence. Chresanto didn't even look up at me once to even apologize, although he shouldn't. I think we were just salty because we were both single and left by the women who we were really falling for. J.L., however, was still cuffed to Qiana and he couldn't be happier. I guess Qiana had no problem with Lucky being shot.

"Hey bros," Jacob said as he dapped Santo up before heading to me. "What's up?"

Santo and I glared at each other before sighing and looking away from the group.

"Okay, either something's wrong or you two forgot how to speak." E.J. said.

Santo and I glared at E.J. before releasing a huff and dapping Craig. It was actually weird how we were doing the exact same thing and even though we were mad at each other, we were even madder at E.J.

"Where's my dap?" E.J. asked, slightly offended.

"Same place that fucking bullet went." I snapped with a roll of the eyes. I took a seat on my bed and brought my knees up to my chest.

"What the fuck is your problem now? Man-strual cycle?"

I rolled my eyes and coughed a sarcastic laugh. "No, but how about my girl left me because you're a fucking idiot!?" I yelled.

E.J. chuckled and shook his head. "Don't blame me for the shit going on with you and that bitch. Not my fault you can't--" Before E.J. could finish his sentence, I jumped on him and was pounding his fucking face in. If Craig and Jacob weren't holding me back, I probably would've killed him in my own fucking bedroom. I wasn't even worried about consequences of 'Friendly-Fire', I was worried about getting Tyra back. I was pissed off at E.J. for shooting Lucky in the first place regardless of the situation we were in that night.

"What the fuck, man? I thought we were bros!" E.J. yelled in my face while Jacob and Craig held me back. "Santo? You mad at me, too?"

Chresanto scoffed and folded his arms. "I dunno, Mickie left me too because of that shit."

"How the fuck is this my fault?" E.J. yelled.

I swear if he yelled one more fucking time, I'm going to rip his fucking lips off of his fucking face and glue the shit on upside down.

"You shot Lucky! That's their best friend!" I yelled.

"Whoa," E.J. said quieter this time. "Last I remember, it was your idea to go to her crib. If anyone's at fault here, it's you."

I scoffed and flopped down on the mattress. As I slipped my phone from my pocket and slid my thumb across the screen, Myles entered the room holding a milkshake from Wendy's and a bacon cheese burger.

"Damn, what I miss this time?" He asked.

I'm so sorry for a short chapter. I mean, I kinda forgot what else to write and for those who want Tyray back together... patience is the key. Those who want Misanto back together, it'll happen. I gotta be w le bae :* LMFAOO

Anyways... Update coming soon. Meanwhile, follow Tyra's MB Fanpage on Insta!!


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okie... I go now xD

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