Chapter 17

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Chresanto and I sat outside the hospital on edge. Chresanto was nervous that if Mickie found out what happened to Lucky--the real story-- she would go nuts and in his words, "An angry Mickie is like looking in the eyes of Death. She's crazy." If that was the case, I could only imagine what Tyra would do to me.

Believe it or not, Chresanto and I were scared of our women. They were both crazy when angry and we were not looking to see what their crazy side would do to us. We know it ourselves; we're whipped. But if anyone dares to say that, we'll kill them. I'm so serious, I've killed men for a lot less and a lot more. Killing wouldn't mean much to me. Just a numbness now. A small, petty activity that I somehow enjoy but never feel the emotions around it.

"Are you scared, Bro?" Chresanto asked.

"Hell yeah," I sighed. I ran my hand through my hair, even though it was in it's signature two braids, and pulled at the ends. "If EJ did the shit right, we wouldn't be in this situation. Dammit, why did you hold me back!"

"Because you would've killed him and you was not bringing that shit to Mama Latita's crib." Chresanto said easily. He pulled out a cigarette from the centre console compartment and used the Car Lighter to light it up. He took a long drag before holding the smoke in and then exhaling.

He held it out for me to take but I shook my head. I hated the fact that he smokes, it's not healthy and a waste of money. Plus, if we ever wanted to run good, the last thing we needed was the smoke those nasty cigarettes. That just damages our lungs. Not worth it, really isn't.

I wondered what Tyra would do when she found out. No doubt she'd be pissed off at me, but she wouldn't hurt me physically, would she? I mean, she told me before how she was against violence. I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to get back at Lucky for hurting Tyra with a freaking gun. I mean, I threatened the bitch with a gun and broke into her fucking house. How stupid could I be? I seriously should've thought things over before I let my anger make decisions for me.

I guess now I know what it means when they say "Never make decisions when angry; Don't make promises when happy." Had I followed by that quote, we wouldn't be in this position

"Man, I'm scared of what Mickie would do if she found out." Chresanto's face paled and he shivered. "Ray, you know I love you right?" I laughed aloud and shook my head.

Homeboy was really scared of what Mickie would do. It's not like Mickie would literally shoot him back or actually kill him, would she? I don't think so. I've seen Mickie when she's with Tyra. She's always so chill and normally she's always eating. I remember when I first talked to her. Man, that girl can talk your ears off. I don't think a girl that energetic would ever kill someone. It can't be possible. I don't think she's crazy enough either. I mean, for Pete's sake she hangs out with Tyra and Tyra is the least crazy person I know. Tyra's against violence!

"Stop talking like that." I laughed.

I really did doubt the girls would do anything to us, but even with that doubtful feeling, I was still quite nervous for what would happen if Tyra and Mickie did find out.

Knowing Tyra, she'd think of going to the police and letting them know. That could not happen for a couple reasons:

1. It seemed to me that Craig didn't have such a liking to Tyra. I don't want her to think of going to the police and Craig finding out. He would probably try to do something to stop her and due to the amount of anger he still had pent up inside of him, I think he would threaten her with violence. He really would do it too, that was the scary part if you ask me.

2. Not only was Craig dangerous for Tyra, but if she went to the police then the MSFTs would expect something. I wasn't really looking forward to what would happen. Currently, we were in a war with them. Since E.J fucked up the plan, the MSFTs were pretty angry and wanted to get back at us. I don't even know what they have up their sleeve, but I know Mateo is pretty pissed off at us, along with Moises and the other MSFTs.

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