Chapter 20

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Tyra POV

I lied in bed with a cold running through my body Monday morning. Tyler brought some tea for me to drink while he fixed a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Honestly, I had no idea how soup helped with sicknesses, but so long as I didn't have to go back to school, I was fine. I knew I'd be alone soon because Tyler had to go to work. After getting fired from his old job not too long ago, Tyler found another job just as quick as the first one and was back to making money. I simply enjoyed the catering I was receiving while I had it, not complaining at all when he insisted on fluffing my pillow or forcing me to go exercise with him on his morning jogs.

As he said, "Good nutrition and daily exercise keeps the plague away." Of course, the expression he was referring to was no where near close to that; but as said before, I wasn't complaining.

Mickie was coming over later on to drop off my homework and notes and possibly grab a bite to eat. That wasn't expected until around four thirty; she said she had something to do before she could come over for the measly five minutes.

By two o'clock, Tyler was in the shower and getting ready to leave for work. He mentioned something about cleaning offices or something in Bel Air. I think it was at some big deal lawyer office building place. All I knew was he was getting big bucks working there. I was actually proud of him for getting a suitable job somewhere other than Compton.

"Ty, I'm about to head to the supermarket real quick before I go. Want anything?" Tyler asked at my bedroom door. He was fiddling with the buttons on the jumpsuit he had to wear for the job. I thought it was stupid that he had a uniform for cleaning offices.

"Sure, pass me my shoes." I snapped my fingers towards my beat up Converses and threw the covers from over my legs. Tyler tossed the sneakers at my feet and I slid them on easily.

I stood from the mattress and brushed the hairs that stuck up back down. My hair was in two french braids side by side in the back of my head. I picked up my Carmex from my bedside table and followed Tyler out the room. Before I left the room, I flicked the TV off.

We had a quiet ride to the supermarket. The only sounds heard were coming from the tires on the hard pavement and Compton's very own, Kendrick Lamar playing in the radio quietly. Occasionally, Tyler attempted to start conversation but there wasn't much to talk about with every conversation he attempted to start. Five minutes later, we arrived in the parking lot of Trader Joe's.

I climbed out the car and we made our way to the building entrance. We grabbed a shopping basket and started walking down the aisles in search of something we'd might have wanted. In the end, I chose to get a quart of Arizona ice tea, a six pack of Sprite, and three bags of Trolli sour gummy worms. Tyler got a six pack of beer and a big bag of Hershey's kisses.

We made our way to the front and picked a random check out aisle to sit the basket and unload the merchandise. I pulled out my money and was about to pay for the stuff when Tyler snatched the money and my wallet from my hand. He held it up high and snickered at my scowl.

"Tyler, give me the wallet!" I yelled, reaching for the pouch.

He smirked and shook his head. "No can do, little sis."

A male's chuckle was heard from behind the register. I turned to see Ray standing there and ringing up my things. He looked really good in his clothes.

"Um, what's so funny, Ray?" I scowled.

"I've seen you around before." He smirked.

I remembered a situation just like this from before. It was from the first day Ray and I officially started talking. One of my favourite memories with Ray, but also one that led to many bad memories with Ray as well.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I grabbed my bag and ordered Tyler to pay for the merchandise. I stomped out the store with an attitude and threw myself in Tyler's car. He came outside a minute later and started the car.

We had an awkward silence on the ride home. I didn't even speak to him when he dropped me home. He said he loved me and I smiled in response before I walked up the stairs and went to my bedroom.

Im sorry for a short chapter, but I'll make up for it later. byee

~•RIP CINDY 02.08.98-01.27.14•~



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