Chapter 14

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        I paced around my room two days later, still pissed off at what happened with Lucky and Tyra. I couldn't take actions just yet, Mateo would expect that. Tomorrow we went back to school and I doubt people would miss a big ass white band-aid on Tyra's forehead, or the scratches she had on her cheeks. Had I known Lucky was a crazy bitch, I would've went over with her. But I didn't and now Tyra has to walk around with visible scars.

Her brother was just as pissed as I was when he saw Tyra, and even more pissed when she refused to tell him what happened. He had false reasons to believe that I hurt Tyra and forcefully slammed me against the column on their stoop. He was about to fight me before Tyra stood between the two of us and held him down.

"It wasn't his fault." She said. "He didn't do anything."

Of course, Tyler was still being very protective over Tyra and sent her inside before he interrogated me about what happened to Tyra. I only told him what I knew, which technically was only Tyra's side of the story and me being at home oblivious to what was going on when this all happened.

I hadn't heard much from Tyra or Tyler since that night but I hoped that things were alright between them.

 "Can we stop sitting around and go do something now?" I impatiently demanded.

"No," Myles said with a serious tone. "They're expecting us to do something now. Just wait, dammit." He, along with everyone else, was growing impatient of me.

"I don't care! They hurt her, man. I can't just wait and not take action." I yelled.

"They didn't hurt her!" Craig yelled. "Lucky hurt her. You know, Tyra's 'friend.'"

I almost flinched at his tone and volume of his voice, but unfortunately, I was even angrier than he was. I jumped up from my seat and stalked over towards him, fists clenched.

"I don't give a fuck who did it! Mateo was there! He helped! He dragged her body down the block! He needs to pay, and if you and the rest of you niggas can't seem to understand that someone is going to pay for this, then you can either shut the fuck up and go to Hell! One or the other," I growled.

I noticed Craig flinch at my tone and finally keep his mouth shut. That's what I thought.

I went through my drawers for my gun and checked to make sure it was loaded. I put the safety on for the meantime and grabbed my jacket and a hat.

The seven of us -- Chres, Craig, Myles, E.J, J.L , Jacob, and I -- sat quietly across the street. We were outside of Lucky's house in Jacob's black truck and waited for the right time to take affirmative action. Around ten at night, a middle aged woman in nursing scrubs left the house and climbed in a woman who was wearing the almost exact outfit's car. They drove off and turned the corner.

"Let's go?" Myles asked, eager to get out the car.

"No, just wait. We can't be so quick to act." I said, holding my hand up. "Wait a few minutes."

Mateo never left Lucky's house. He was inside for hours, I saw him when he went inside. Yeah I stalked him. He hurt my girl, I'm about to hurt his. That's how things work. An eye for an eye, a girl for a girl.

"Now?" Myles asked at ten - thirty. I nodded and took the safety off my gun. "Now." I said.

With that, we all jumped out the car. We crouched down and made our way around the house, surrounding it from all corners. E.J picked up a rock and tossed it vigorously at one of the windows where the lights were on.

"Shit!" Lucky's voice yelled. "What was that?" Her voice was full of fear and sounded nasally. She peaked out the broken glass and looked around the yard. Unable to spot us, she uneasily backed away from the window and ran through the house. E.J grabbed another rock and threw it inside the room, surprisingly busting the light bulb and leaving the room completely black.

I shot him a thumbs up and climbed inside the house with him. The rest of the guys took their positions around the house, hiding in case Mateo and Lucky ran out, or if Mateo called back up.

E.J and I stayed crouched down with our index fingers positioned so it was ready to shoot the trigger. I peaked my head out and looked down the wall.

"Clear." I whispered, gesturing for E.J to follow me. We turned the hallway light off and walked through the house. I stopped at a door that was closed when I heard voices from inside.

"Babe, something's going on." Lucky said.

"What are you talking about now?" Mateo asked.

"Someone threw a rock in my room. I got a feeling something's about to happen." Oh, sweetie, you have no idea.

"Fine, I'll go check it out." Mateo said. I quickly hid behind  a corner and raised my gun to my mouth. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes.

Saying a quick prayer, I kissed the barrel of the gun and sighed. I opened my eyes when I felt what I'd assume to be a foot poking my rib cage. I glared evilly at the person who was poking me with their foot and was almost shocked to see Lucky standing there with a frying pan. Very original.

"S-stay th-there." She said nervously.

I  chuckled mischievously and stood up swiftly. I took steps back with my gun still raised in my hand, but my hands in surrender. She stalked towards me but with each step she took towards me was another step I took away from her.

"Stay there." I demanded.

She held the pan firmly and shakily. Just as she was about to swing, a gunshot was heard and she dropped to the floor.

Sooooooo damn... What happened to Lucky ? Ion know. yet... xD muahahahaha I'm a loser. I guess I outta start another chapter, huh ? Yah ? Okay.

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