Character description

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Name: Rei White

Age: 13

Race: Semi-God (has not unlocked Godly stats)

Looks: Blue/green eyes, long blond hair, and pale skin tone.

Gender: Male

Height: 5'1 (1 inch taller than Ciel)

Abilities: Can cast spells (limited to the ones he has learned & most of them are elemental spells), intelligent (but can be dense, like for example he doesn't know much about the other realms but he gets 100% in school (math, science, etc.)), fast healing (not omnipotent). The lingering souls in that world adore him so they help guide him and let him borrow their mana which is used to cast spells. His powers are limited to however much mana is able to filter threw him in that world.
His abilities all range out with his physical strength. For example, he can walk on air; however, he can only walk for so long because he has low stamina.
Physical abilities: Extremely fast, agile, and flexible (stamina issue: stamina of a bookworm). Lacking in strength. 

Father- God (alive) (not a specific god, but in terms of "god" I mean a higher being with high status and abilities)
Siblings-(unknown N/A)

Name: Kyle Cross

Age: 13 (almost 14)

Race: angel

Looks: Light blue hair. Side bangs that reach a little past his chin, blue eyes, olive skin tone.

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Abilities: Can walk on air, can cast spells (that has been taught to him and that he can remember), his silver playing cards (you will find out more about them later), and he has tons of physical strength (he's not fast and agile though)

Father-Kaien Cross (alive) 
Mother-Susanna cross (alive)


Bye!! ^_^

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