Chapter 9

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Kyle's POV

Rei... don't worry I'll find you...

I grab all of the things I will be needing for when I sneak out and put them in a dark blue bag that Rei created for journeys like this.

I believe he named it a.... backpack..?

The sun sets covering the kingdom in darkness with the moon illuminating the sky softly. I grab the edge of my window and jump out. I land on the grass and I start running towards the direction of the realm portal Rei fell into.

I will not disappoint you sir. I will find Rei and protect him.... after I punch him for leaving me here alone.


"Kyle, your Rei's closest friend so I need to ask you for a favor... It will be a while till I can get some angles to go down there and look for Rei... If I could have gone I would have already jumped into the portal but I can't because if I leave, there will be no one to keep the barrier up and then the other realms could attack..."

I already know what he is going to ask. "I'll do it!" I shout passionately.

Rei's father looks surprised "Are you sure? We haven't determined which realm it leads to so it may be dangerous...."

"It's ok! Where ever Rei goes, I go!" I say giving a grin worthy of five stars.

He smiles softly and pats my head. "Then please find my son and keep him safe until we can bring you two back."

I nod and I start to walk off when I was stoped by him calling out to me, "And Kyle! Please don't tell anyone I asked this of you! There would be a uproar about how I'm sending children on dangerous missions... Plus that would be a lot of paperwork so..." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

For someone so old he sure does act and look like someone in their twenties....

(Pic below is what Rei's father looks like)

(Pic below is what Rei's father looks like)

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~Flashback over~

This is it...

I stand at the edge of the portal. I grin, I can't wait to see that doofus again.

If I jump there is a 60% that I will probably die.... Oh well... I'll just cling onto the other 40% then.

"Cannon ball!" I whisper shout as I jump in.

Rei's POV

Oh shiz this is a lot of drama going down... I'm not good with drama. 😐

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