Chapter 11

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"U-uncle?!" What is Uncle doing here?!

The room temperature dropped, and everyone stares at us in shock. (even Sebastian!) "Uncle!?!" Everyone exclaims, their jaws hitting the floor.

"I haven't seen you since I was three years old!!" I shout tackling him in a hug.

Madam Red snatches me away from Undertaker, "H-how is such a sweet and darling boy related to... to him!!" She shouts pointing at Undertaker. "Hm? Oh, we're not related by blood!" I say smiling, "He's one of my fathers closest friends! And he's like a uncle to me so..."

"No! I can't accept this! I can't let my poor Rei be tainted by your... your aura!!" Madam Red says hugging me closer like she was trying to shield me away from him. "Mdmn Fred fi fant breve!" I muffle out as I struggle to pull away from her.

As soon as I am out of Madam Reds clutches I take a deep gasp for air and cough a little. Air!! I can finally breath again!!!

"Anyway my lord, I gave you a special discount last time, but I won't do it again." Undertaker says pointing at Ciel.

Ciel swears under his breath, "I see there's no hel-" I cut off Sebastian, "I can do it!" I say raising my hand.

"Rei?" Ciel questions.

I blush a bit and clear my throat, "Um... can you guys cover your ears, I don't want anyone to hear it...." They cover their ears.

"Um...hey Undertaker."
"How do you make holy water?"
"Hehe.... I don't know how?"
"You boil the hell out of it."
Undertaker stays silent for a moment but then he starts cackling with laughter and banging his fist agains the coffin. "Ahahahaha!" I hear a crash from outside and assume that the sign fell down.

I give the others a look that said they could uncover their ears.

"What did you even say?!" Madam Red asks looking at Undertaker who was twitching and drooling while he laid on his coffin.

My cheeks and ears turn red. There is no way in hell I will ever say that stupid joke ever again... If anyone back at home ever heard about how I said such a joke... I would never live it down...

"U-um I would prefer for no one to hear such a embarrassing joke..." I say looking away. They sweat drop at my actions.

"Ahaha... I've seen my Utopia..." Undertaker says smiling.


Ciel and I sit down next to each other on one of Undertakers coffins.

I look down at the tea Undertaker gave us and raised it to my lips to see what it tasted like. However a hand quickly snatches the tea away from me, I look up and see Lau handing my tea to Sebastian. "It would be best if you didn't drink that..." he said sitting back down.

"These days I often get customers who are incomplete." Undertaker says stroking his human doll thing...

"Incomplete?" Lau asks as he plays with a tea bag.

"Yes, incomplete... the wombs are missing." Undertaker says and everyone except Sebastian looked shocked at what he just said.

"Though the killer makes quite violent splatter, the wombs themselves are neatly cut out." Undertaker starts to pet his dolls head.

"It was done on a public road, even if it was not a high-traffic one... wouldn't such a excision have been difficult for an amateur, particularly in the middle of the night?" Sebastian asks.

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