Chapter 25

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Me: *looks at laptop* ... I probably should update..... it's been..... a while *sweat drops* ... yah.... I just do that now.....

*One month later*

hmmm....I still haven't gotten to that update yet.... OH LOOK! A BOOK JUST UPDATED!!! *still has to do homework*

*One more month later*

DAMNIT IM SUCH A CRAPPY AUTHOR!!!! I NEED TO UPDATE!!! *Slams open laptop and starts blasting music* *haven't done homework yet*

*One week later*


(Once again black butler doesn't belong to me, I only own Rei, Kyle, and the others that aren't in the actual black butler.)

Rei's POV

I roll down my sleeves and look at my work, I smile and nod at it proudly.

"Rei....." I look at Ciel who is sweat dropping. "Yes? What is it?"

Kyle looks at my work and sweat drops too, "Um, Rei, your ice sculpture..... is so detailed... that it shouldn't even be possible in this era or..... world..." I choke on my spit, "What?!" I whisper shout.

"MAGNIFICENT!" I cry internally when I hear the Viscount shout out, drawing attention to the un-worldly sculpture. "WHO IS THE CREATOR OF THIS FINE PIECE?!" I start to sink further into the crowd but I feel a light shove and I find myself in front of the blond man.

I turn my head to see a smiling Abberline, he makes a shooting motion and gives me a thumbs up. I face palm.... Rei, calm down... he was only trying to be helpful, he doesn't know what he's doing... TT~TT

"A-ah... V-Viscount.... its a pleasure to see you... again.." I say awkwardly avoiding eye contact with the scary man.

"Ah! Not only beautiful but talented too! Your a rare gem indeed!" Viscount Druitt says as he wipes away his crocodile tears. "I-it was nothing... really....." I say but realize my voice dying out at the end. "How humble!" But before Druitt could capture me in his arms I am saved by Lau's ice sculpture, taking the attention off of me.

I let out a sigh in relief and Kyle pats my back sympathetically.

"Apparently Lau's sculpture got disqualified..." Kyle says shrugging. I raise an eyebrow and peak my head out to see what got him disqualified. """"NO!"""" Four voices say and Ciel covers my eyes at lightning speed. Honestly, it can't be THAT bad... their over exaggerating... and why does Ciel and Kyle get to see it and I don't?! Their the same age as me!

"You can win, can't you Sebastian?" Ciel says letting go of my eyes as they drag the sculpture away.

Sebastian makes a humming noise, "I should, but since Rei used some sort of water manipulation it may prove to be a bit.... difficult now..." Ciel sighs and looks at me, I raise my hands in defense. "The rules never said anything about that!" I say shrugging in a slightly more care free manner.

The man announces and shows off Sebastian's "Noah's Ark" sculpture. People make appraising and 'ohhhh' noises.

"What a grand scale it's on! This is true ice art!"
"Most amazing! Let's see how many points-"

Sebastian cuts off the man, "One moment please." Every ones attention turns to him. I sigh he's about to do his thing (aka show off) again... oh well! I tried! *shrugs shoulders*

Sebastian snaps his fingers and the top of the boat falls off revealing animals inside. People go into a frenzy and Lord Druitt starts to make a long speech about this guy named Noah...

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