Chapter 2

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

Ciel seems slightly calmer than before, "Now back to the question I asked befo-"

"Young master, Mr.Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be here soon." Sebastian interrupts.

"We will have to talk about this later. Sebastian, find something else for Mr.White to wear. I do not want to have my guest thinking I keep half-naked boys in the manor."

I take slight offence to Ciel's comment..... This- This is a very nice outfit that one of my friends made for me! I'm not half-naked!

"I'm not half-naked!" I defend myself. He raises an eyebrow "Then please tell me why you are only being covered by one piece of cloth?" I was about to reply back when he cut me off. "Never mind, Sebastian dress Mr.White and make him presentable before Mr.Damiano gets here."

"W-what?!? Hey!" I protest as Sebastian throws me over his shoulder and bows "Yes, my lord."

As we go down the hall towards who-knows-where I hear him mutter to himself. "-Trim the roses, polish the silverware, prepare the ingredients, and now I have to take care of this brat....tch."


It's not even my fault that I landed here!

Sebastian opens a door to what looks like a guest room and sets me down on the bed. "Now please wait here, I will be back in just a moment," with that- he disappears out the door.

I let out a huff in disbelief and glanced around the room he placed me in. It's quite spacious and has nice furniture. From what I could tell, it was just a normal guest room.

-Moments later Sebastian returns with a brush, a towel, and a set of strange-looking clothes. "Now if you will please follow me I will bathe you and then I shall dress you."

"Oh...okay......" I mindlessly muttered, sitting up and begin to walk towards him.

Pausing mid-step.

Brain processing.....








"WAIT WHAT?!? No no no no no!!! I can bathe and dress myself!" I said jumping away from him and backing up.

"I'm afraid not, the young master told me to make you look presentable. It is my duty to do everything in my power to do so." Sebastian says smiling and he lunges forwards at me and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"L-let me down you demon!" I say hitting his back, my face reddening from disbelief.

"-about time, I was wondering when you would finally realize. I knew what you were the moment I caught your scent." I can feel my eyes widen a fraction, my fists pausing in mid-air from hitting his back.

I take a quick whiff of his scent from his shoulder.

And to my despair; He's not lying... he really is a demon. Why did I not notice before?!?!

My throat goes dry and an audible gulp is sounded as I realize how much danger I could be in if he realizes that I'm not fully matured yet. I can't fight against a full-grown demon! -Not to mention I'm heir to the throne... I really screwed up this time. Cold sweat begins to materialize on my temple.

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