Chapter 19

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"Wow, so you're the only maid at this estate?"
"That's amazing! You impress me, Angela, yes!"

I raise a eyebrow, "This place is pretty big... you must be a hard worker to clean everything every day." Unless you are a demon and you are using demon speed......

"Nonsense. I'm utterly unsatisfactory..." hn... smoothly brushing my comment off...
"Let us know if there's anythin' we can help you with. We servants gotta get along. Right, Finny?"
"Yes, of course!"

"You're all so kind." Angela says bashfully, a bell suddenly goes off and she quickly gets up. "Please excuse me. My master is calling." She bows and runs off.

Kyle and I look at Finny to see his eyes shining with admiration. Kyle nudges me with his elbow, "He's fallen hard." I chuckle and nod my head in agreement, "Angela seems like a extremely dense person to these kinds of things. I wish Finny luck." 

Kyle sweat drops and mutters something under his breath that sounded kinda like, "She's dense?!" I wonder what that's about....


"Ciellllll!! I'm boreddddd!" I say as I hang upside down on his bed. Kyle, who was sitting across from Ciel, looked at me blankly, "Then find something to do."

"Can I go outside?!" I ask sitting up hopefully.
"NO!" Everyone in the room shouts, I slump back down and huff. I've read every single book they have available in this manor in the past 3 hours we've been here... HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO NOW!

"Can we please do somethingggg? I'm about to die of boredom!!" I groan out childishly.

Sebastian appears above me, I look up at him curiously. "Care to solve a riddle?"

I sit up immediately, "Sure!" Kyle chuckles, "There is no riddle that shorty can't solve." I playfully glare at Kyle for calling me short, "I'm a perfectly fine height, your just abnormally tall, and Ciel is abnormally short."

"Hey!-" Ciel is cut off by Sebastian, "What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?"

"Your name." I answer almost immediately, he isn't even trying...

"Oh? It seems you've got it. Do you wish to answer another one?" Sebastian asks, but before I can answer his question a knock is heard at the door.

"Come in." Ciel says straightening back. Angela walks in, "I apologize for the lateness of the hour."

"My Young master is about to retire." Sebastian says turning towards Angela. Angela turns towards Ciel, "I have a request. Please, leave this village. You mustn't be here." Dang Sebastian just got ignored...

"Why not?" Ha... that kinda sounded like a kid throwing a tantrum...

"I can't..." Angela adverts her gaze but is cut off by a howl, "Oh, no! The demon hound is here!" She says, her body shaking like a leaf.

"Demon hound?" Ciel asks, Angela screams. I don't even move a mussel, my back on the ground I continue to stare at my feet in boredom. Ciel looks over to see what Angela was staring at and he sees a shadow of a dog on the curtains.

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