Chapter 36

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Okay Okay, so I've seen the request for an update, and although I am naturally a lazy person.... I am also a procrastinator... I tried to update like... 2 weeks ago and I ended up cleaning my room and re-watching Bungo Stray Dogs (all seasons and catching up with newest season) and doing a marathon of Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Totoro, etc... BUT ATLAST, I AM HERE!!! (did I mention that I also re-watched BNHA? no? well now I have.) Anyway... moving on with the story.... after this GIF


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Rei's POV

Standing outside in front of the crowd as the Scarlett Fox dormitory parades around in red capes, feathers and roses.



Why am I even doing this?

Well, I'm sure it was because-

-Please don't remind me Zhu Li.

If you say so Rei-sama.┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

I sweat drop, looking out into the crowd of humans cheering on the Red Dormitory. Glancing down, I observe the fancy getup that we were supposed to wear.


I look over to see Kyle, dressed as a knight with shiny armor (the theme of the green dormitory) waving at me rapidly. Face palming, I wave back at him.
"Oh-ho? Is Rei collaborating with the opposing team? Should I be jealous?" Redmond asks, tilting his head back and throwing a wink my way.

Rei-sama, I suggest you dodge that one.(;¬_¬)

Don't have to tell me, I was going to do it either way.

I casually tilt my head to the side, dodging the flirty heart coming my way.

"Wify~ no cheating on me~" I sweat drop at Soma.

"Since when did I agree to be your 'wify'?"

"You didn't have to, the gods had meant for it to be!"

No they hadn't.()

"No they hadn't."

Soma acts as if an arrow goes through him before resuming his former position. I shake my head at their antics.

We definitely wont be making first place.... I'm not saying that the red dormitory isn't full of talents but, rumor has it that Ciel is in the games... I would be willing to bet that he won't be afraid to play dirty.

hm... true, but Rei-sama is strong!(+')

I'm not worried about myself...

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