Chapter 18

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle. Btw sorry I didn't update last week! DX I didn't have time because I went over my friends house and we wanted to spend as much time together as possible since we only see each other every 2 months or so. Plz don't be maddddddd

Rei's POV

"Resort, Resort, we're so happy!" The servants repeated as we drive down the road.
"Isn't this wonderful, Mey-Rin? I'm so moved!"
"Yes, yes! I can't believe he's taking us with him to the queens health resort!"
"I guess even the young master has his good points!"

"If only they knew..." Kyle and I say sweat dropping.

"They are fortunate people. It appears they're grateful to you, my kind young master." Sebastian says glancing back at Ciel. "I don't want to leave them behind by themselves and come back to the manor destroyed."

"What about Lillie, will she be okay with that nanny?" Kyle asks looking at Ciel. "She will be fine, that nanny was the one that took care of me when my parents were away, she can be trusted with Lillie."

We come across a old, broken sign that says 'Welcome to Houndsworth'

"This would seem to be the entrance to the village." The servants look around excitedly but are met with a big surprise. Dog collars and chains hanging from bare/dead trees, a gray sky, and skulls of dead dogs on the ground. I'm glad we didn't bring Lillie...

They all scream in dread. Yes, what a kind master.... note the sarcasm. -.-"

"I forgot to tell you one thing: this is the planned construction site for the resort."

"Young master...." they all say in sync looking at Ciel.


"A trip, in this season?" Ciel sets his cup down "Sebastian, are you familiar with the leisure activity known as bearbaiting?" Bear-Baiting?

"The word seems entertaining and quit attractive to me, but I'm afraid not." Sebastian says, Kyle nudges me with his elbow. "Ha, seems like Sebastian finally doesn't know something." I chuckle a bit at Kyle's smug face, "Do you know what it means?" His smug face is immediately wiped away, "U-Um well you see..."

"They tied a bear to a fence with a rope or cord and fighting dogs surround it, bit at it, and killed it." My eyes widen a fraction, I didn't know humans were so....

"My, that sounds very human-like." Sebastian and Kyle say at the same time.

"It was banned by the Cruelty to Animals Act of 1835, but there was a loophole: the law didn't apply to the attack dogs. What do you think happened then?" It all clicked in my head and I grimace, How... why would humans even do that....

"I imagine they began having the dogs attack their own kind. Perhaps you would call it 'dog baiting'?"

I hop off the window seat and come up behind Ciel and grab a blueberry from his cake. I pop the blue berry in my mouth and walk back to my seat. Yum...

"There's a village doing just that: Houndsworth. The place was originally famous for rearing dogs, but behind those close doors they..." T-T This realm is really messed up....

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