Chapter 32

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So I know I've been putting off this update for a while and since I have thanksgiving break, I decided to update! (*cough* on the last day *cough* lazy ass *COUGH* *COUGH*) Well that all I have to say for now... ENJOY!

Rei's POV

I sweat drop, "Um... Ciel I don't think it would be wise of you to kill your fiancé..."

"Eh...?" Ciel checks, it really was Elizabeth. He puts his gun down.

"Ah, look. I found Snake!" I look to the left and I see Kyle poking Snakes cheek.

"You know... I probably should have said something earlier but...." I trail off looking behind Elizabeth.

"-It smells a lot like-" Kyle is cut off by me as I jump at Elizabeth and kick away one of the living dead. "-corpses!!"

Kyle grabs my hand and Ciel grabs Elizabeth, "Yah.... I'm pretty sure there are more of them..." Snake, Kyle, and I all point in the direction of a large row of crates...

"""Over there..."""

"No way.... could they all be...." I face palm at Ciel's jinx.

"Yep, and I'm pretty sure that the groaning coming from that area isn't just the poorly put together architecture." Kyle sasses. Aww... so he does listen in some of our classes....

Looking at the lids of the crates, I can tell that they won't hold long. "Yep... You know I thought that this break would be fun but... I think its time to run!!!!"

As we run away from the area of certain death (for the humans that is) I look at Kyle and Snake, and then at Ciel and Elizabeth. "Ciel, Kyle... should we just wait for Sebastian or...."

Kyle grabs me and hops up to a large stack of crates. "Do what you must, don't reveal too much!" Ciel shouts as he tries to get Elizabeth up the crates. I look around and I notice the Corpses start to round the corner..... which was also where I noticed a staircase that was missed earlier. Are.... are you KIDDING ME!? WE COULD HAVE JUST RAN BACK UP STAIRS!?!?

"What are those? Aside from the poison not affecting them, they have a horrible smell. Says Webster."

I sweat drop, "Well Webster, they are the living dead... in other words... walking corpses."

"C-corpses?!" I nod at Elizabeth's question, "Yes, corpses... you would be surprised at what science can do...."


"That's right!!!" Kyle looks at me in a questioning manner. That's how we can fight without Elizabeth finding out!

"Ciel! Give me your bullets!"

Ciel looks at me like I'm crazy, "What?! How is that going to help?!"

"Just trust him!" Kyle snaps. Ciel sighs and hurriedly hands me his bullets.

I crush them in my palm when Elizabeth isn't looking, "Hey! My bullets!!" Ciel is about to complain some more before Kyle cuts him off.
"Are about to buy us time."
I take the powder that was compacted in the bullet and throw it out into the crowd of corpses. "Now with a spark.." I clash the metal piece against the flint part and it set off a chemical reaction. The surrounding crowd is reduced to ash with a bang.

"Are you crazy!?"

"Nope, just trying to save you guys..." More corpses start to come around the corner.

I shrug and sigh, "I tried..." Kyle pats my back and sweat drops.

"It took out more corpses than 5 bullets would..." Kyle says trying to comfort me. As a corpse manages to climb the crate we are currently on.

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