Chapter 34

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Alrighty, the tolls are in... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!
First place! SCARLET FOX!!!! With 3 votes for scarlet fox, Rei will end up going to that house.
Second place was tied with Sapphire Owls and Violet wolf. Each with one vote!

Thank you guys for participating!!


Rei's POV

"So this is it... Weston College." I mutter, dragging Kyle behind me.
"School.... this is a nightmare, leaving heaven.... ditching school.... only to be thrown back into this prison..." Kyle mutters with a gloomy aura whirling around him.

"Well, lets head to the headmasters office, I'm pretty sure we have to get our uniforms there." I tell Kyle, looking around at the students who are whispering about our appearance.

Looking down at my outfit, I don't exactly see what's wrong. Its just a simple white yukata....

"Do you see his hair?"

"Why is it so long?"

"Not to mention white...."

"A delinquent?"

"Is that a female...?"

"No you idiot, this is an all boys school..."

"What about the other one?"

"The one with blue hair?"

"Doesn't anyone find blue hair strange?"

"Foreign students?"

"Most likely... their outfits look like they are from Eastern Asia"

Ah... So just in general our appearance stands out. I suppose with the white and blue hair... who wouldn't stand out? Looking around, I notice a group of four that stood out.
Those must be the student council...
Pulling the sulking Kyle along, we approach the group.

"They are approaching the P4?!"

"The new kids have balls..."

I stop in front of them, "E-Excuse me."
Their heads turn our way. "Yes, is there something you need?" The blond with medium length hair asks.

I clear my throat, trying to rid myself of the shake in my voice. Meeting new people... new humans... no, humans are good... but a percentage that I run into always seem to- no, look at the bright side, look at the bright side....
Gesturing to Kyle and I, I begin to speak with a little less shake in my voice, "We are new to this school, we would like to pick up our uniforms but do you think you could point us in the right direction to the principals office?"

"Oh, new students? What household do you belong in?" The blond inquires.

"We were not assigned one, or at least we were not informed of a... 'household'." Kyle pipes in.

"What are your names?" the one with glasses questions.

"I'm Kyle Cross and this is Rei White." Kyle introduces.

The man with the green tie nods, "Alright then, we will take you to the principal's office."

______Time skip______

"Ah, Rei White. Royalty from over seas, you will be placed in the Red Dormitory, otherwise known as the Scarlet Fox. And Kyle Cross, Rei's guard, you will be placed in the Green Dormitory, also called the Green Lion." The Vice-Principal says as he hands us our uniforms and our crest.

"Wait, why is Rei in a different dorm than me?! I'm his guard!" Kyle frowns.

I shrug hiding behind Kyle slightly, I tap on his shoulder, "I-It's a status thing I'm guessing? The Red dormitory is for people with big names and status, and the green is for.... athletics?"

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