Chapter 26

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I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) I only own my own characters Kyle and Rei.


Rei's POV

Floating around, I notice that there are multiple gates surrounding me. "What in the world-.... Ohhhh this must be a dream." I push myself forwards, "So this is what humans would call..... visions? or perhaps its just a dream... but then again I'm not human so...."

Something purple catches my eye. "Huh?" I turn around and see a gate with a seal on it.

Looking closer, I notice that the seal is the same as the one in Ciel's eye.
"Ah!" I pound my hand to my fist in realization. "So this IS a vision, just a vision of the realm gates!" Hmmmm.... that must mean I have realm sight? I wonder why I never discovered this a long time ago... Oh yah, because I didn't sleep in heaven.... Dad will be surprised when I tell him this.

Peaking into the gate, I see two men walking in London. "Ah! He wears the same style of clothing that I do!!" I say out loud when I notice what the purple haired man is wearing. "This is very interesting... I knew something was weird with how other people dressed! I suppose that the whole country dresses in odd clothing because they have a superiority complex or something-"

"-so clothing that is difficult to put on means that one is more superior!!!" I shout out loud as I come to a final conclusion.

"That also means that the reason people stare at me is because they think I'm lower than them??"
"Man, Humans are weird." I laugh out thinking of how they set up such ridiculous rules and customs. "I suppose I should wake up now... But... how do I do that?" Looking around I start to float myself upwards as I pass by gates with hunters, pirates, ghost, vampires, and more.

"Ughhhhhh! This is frustrating!! Why is there no end to this!!!!" I shout out in frustration, ruffling my hair out of habit.
"Am I supposed to automatically know how to leave a dream from the start?!" I ponder out loud, my eyebrows wrinkling together. Seriously!?! What is expected?! I'm not some over powered protagonist in a story! Am I going to be stuck here forever?!?!?





Jolting up out of the bed I let out a sigh of relief. Turning my head back I see Kyle cradling his arm and looking at me with a blank face. I leap over and glomp Kyle into a hug, "ThankyouThankyouThankyou so much for waking me up! IM NEVER SLEEPING AGAIN UNTIL I LEARN TO CONTROLE MY DREAMS!!!"

Sebastian who had just walked in looks at me oddly, "Rei.... Kyle, Good morning to you too..."

Kyle smirks at Sebastian and snakes his arm around my waist, "Yes, a amazing morning indeed, to wake up next to Rei always makes me happy to be back on this oversized rock called earth." Sebastian glares at Kyle and looks at me, "Ciel is already down stairs, breakfast will be ready in five minutes." My head pearks up at the mention of breakfast.

Jumping out of bed I toss off the pajamas and throw on my robes. "Alright! I'm ready! Kyle, Sebastian! Let's go!!!"

Kyle looks at me and slowly gets out of bed, he streatches and grabs his modified robes. (Since Kyle was origianly from earth, he knows about the styles and everything. So when he came back to earth, he modified his clothes a bit to fit in more. For example.... he has pants. lol)

"Yosh! Breakfast! Let's do this!" I shout as my feet make a soft, almost silent pitter-patter as I run down the hall. Running down the left side staircase, I make a right turn into another hall, finally reaching the area that we usually have breakfast in. Zipping through the doors I slide into the chair across from Ciel who was calmly drinking his tea. "GOOD MORNING CIEL!!! SO HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE 14!?!"
Ciel starts coughing and he quickly grabs a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth. "Dont suprise me like that you-" he stops and takes a deep breath. Sighing, he looks at me, "Must you always be so loud in the morning?" I tilt my head "I'm not always loud in the morning, I'm just loud because this is your first morning being 14. You should be excited! Afterall, humans can only experience so many birthdays without getting wrinkly."

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