Chapter 13

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

I wake up to the bright sun in my face (Honestly, to me that is the worst way to wake up .-.) so I turn over and face the other way.

"Morning sleepy head." Kyle says next to me, laying on his side. "Hm? Morning Kyle.... Wait... KYLE?! What are you doing in my bed?!" I shout jumping out of bed.

"I haven't seen you in so long! And I am supposed to protect you, I can't leave you alone and defenseless while your sleeping! What if that demon were to do something to you!" Kyle says glomping me.

I sigh, "Whatever... let's just get dressed and go down for breakfast." Kyle nods and gets off of me.

"Here." I throw Kyle my biggest outfit I had. "Thanks!" He says slipping it on.
I sigh "What is it now?" He chuckles a bit, "Umm your shirt is too small... and so are your shorts..." I grow a tic mark. "It's not my fault your abnormally tall!" He pats my head "No it's just that your abnormally short."
"OW! You bit me!"
"Don't call me short!"
"But you are!"

I sigh and giggle a bit, it's been a while since me and Kyle had these bonding moments. I walk out and peak my head back in the door. "I'll go and ask Sebastian for a set of his clothes for now, I'll be right back!"

"Jack the Ripper strikes again?" I hear Lau ask as me and Kyle walk in. "So that means the Viscount wasn't our man?" Madam Red questions, I look over at Ciel to see that he looked infuriated and about to burst with rage.

___Time skip brought to you by Kyle holding a rose out to Rei___

"Okay, Kyle you must try this food, they call it a biscuit!" I say pulling a tray of biscuits out of nowhere. He looks at me surprised, "Your actually eating?!" I nod my head.

"I thought that I might as well while I'm down here with nothing to do." I shrug my shoulders.

He nods his head in agreement. "You always were busy because of the royal tutors.... but it's not like that stoped you from jumping out windows to escape them and all the paper work you had to do..." Kyle says smirking.

I blush, "You are the one that helped me... plus my tutors can't say anything because I get straight A's anyway....." He laughs and puts a biscuit in his mouth.

"Wow these are really good!" He exclaims. "I know right?! Wait I thought you ate food though? Shouldn't you have already tried a biscuit before?" He shakes his head, "No, my mom apparently hasn't updated her recipe book for around two hundred years!"

Dang... that's like.... almost eight times longer than I've been alive!

"How old is your mom?" I ask curiously. "How old is your dad?" Kyle asks countering my question. "Touché." I say smirking a bit. We both start to laugh, "Hey, how about we bring some biscuits to Ciel?" I ask as we calm down from our laughing fit.

"Do we have tooooo??" Kyle asks whining like a five year old child. "Well we don't have to but it's always nice to share. Puls Ciel has been a grumpy butt all day today... I think these might cheer him up!" I say smiling.

"Oh, so he's not always like that? Thank goodness I thought he was like those grumpy old men that hates everything." Kyle says stuffing another biscuit in his mouth.

"No he's actually really nice!" I say smiling, "He's helped me out a lot and he's showed me many new things!" Kyle pouts, "I've got to step up my game then...." he mutters.

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