Chapter 1

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"Today is finally the day!" I excitedly exclaimed, jumping on my friend's back.

"Shhhh! You're attracting more attention to yourself than usual!" Kyle pulls me off his back and hushes me, putting a hand over my mouth.

I lick his hand.

"H-hey!!" He shouted, wiping his hand on me. Angels walking by sending odd looks our way.

Yes, you heard me correctly- angels. As in the inhabitants of 'Heaven', 'The Palace in the Sky', 'Paradise', 'Nirvana' there are a lot of names for it but I like to call it 'Home'.

I too am an inhabitant, but I'm not an angel- I'm more like a semi-god? I'll eventually have to look after this place when I'm older but that's only when my father thinks I'm ready of course. Wait, why am I narrating to myself?

I snap out of my self narrated introduction and remember that we are short on time for the ceremony.

"Let's go or we're going to be late!" Grabbing his arm- I break out into a sprint.

"We won't be late, don't sweat it- we'll be fine." He mumbles while running along side me, pulling out his pocket watch and checking the time.

"Ack- I take that back. We're late!" Kyle grabs my hand and makes a mad dash to the ceremonial building.

Just as we reach the building and make our way inside-

"Where were you two?! You're late!" Our teacher snaps, tapping her foot with her arms crossed over each other.

"Sorry!" We both whisper, quietly bowing while trying not to grab anymore attention.

She sighs, leaning down to fix our messy hair. "I had Audrey cover for you two so go before anyone else notices!"

She shoos us towards the rest of the class and we hurry to stand in line, waiting for our names to be called. Not a moment too soon, I hear the man on stage call my name.

"Rei White." I walk up to the stage, "Now please put your hand on the crystal orb. Focus your mana into it and your weapon should materialize."

Placing my hand on the orb gives a soft glow. I slowly guide my mana through my meridians in my arm and out the palm of my hand into the orb. Slowly a shape begins to take form and materialize in my hands, and when it becomes solid enough I am able to pull it out slowly as the whole of the object takes shape. I look down into my hands and see a... Staff?

"A staff?" I voice my concern when I see the object that was supposed to be the material weapon that is stemmed from my mana.

"You have quite the rare weapon there, usually swords or daggers are the staple around here." The man comforts me, before calling up the next person in line.

"I... see." I won't lie to myself, I was anticipating a bow for archery, or maybe a sword where I may be able to take swordsmanship classes. But I suppose I'll have to learn to wield a staff. Walking off of the podium, I make my way out of the building.

Once I'm outside, I wait by the entrance for Kyle.

Is it really just a staff? Given my versatile approach to things, my mana should have been able to reflect the same.

I am also hopeful that there could be more to this...

Okay, so if my weapon is the material reflection of my mana, then maybe I can get some sort of response if I just-

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