Chapter 21

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"Why didn't we know about this?!" Finny exclaims looking at Ciel, Ciel sips his tea (like a boss). "I saw no reason to mention it so I left that fact out." 

"I had no idea we had royalty living under the same roof as us! Not at all!" Mey-Rin exclaims. "Well you always did have this aura thing going on around you..." Bard says sweat dropping, probably thinking back to one of my sparkly moments.

"Anyway, back to the main topic." I say cutting in, not wanting to be the main source of attention.

"Ah, yes, well until we figure this problem out, make sure to be on high guard." Sebastian says and dismisses everyone.


"Please don't tell me when you said 'no human did this.' you weren't referring to that red headed reaper....." Ciel groans as Sebastian buttons his shirt.

"Don't worry Ciel, Mey-Rin's idea wasn't to far off target...." Kyle says flopping down onto Ciel's bed next to me. I say something but it is muffled by the pillow my face was in.

"Now the main question is... WHY ARE THE TWO OF YOU IN MY BED!!!" Ciel says shouting out annoyed in the end, three tic makes on his head.

"Good night." I say covering my self in the covers and drifting off into the world of sleep. "Good night." Kyle says slipping under the covers with me. "Good night, Rei, Kyle." Sebastian says leaving the room.


I wake up to find my self in the most awkward position of the century.....







I was upside down, Ciel sprawled out across my stomach hugging my leg, while Kyle was on top of both of us one of his legs dangling off the edge of the bed and he was hugging both me and Ciel in a bear hug.

"You look comfortable." I turn my head to see Sebastian, I look at him and then look at the pile on top of me and then back at him again. I don't think I can get them off myself, if it was just Ciel then I would be fine but Kyle.... I'm pretty sure he weighs as much as a house..... (author: *sweat drop* aren't you exaggerating that a bit much?)

I hold my arms out to him like a child and say one simple word, "Help." He looks at me and gives a fake concerned look, "And here I thought that I taught you the basic human manners." I sigh exaggeratedly, "Pleasssseeeeeeee?"

He raises a eyebrow, "Please what?"

I glare at him, "Please lord help this stupid butler that's going to get his butt handed to him once I'm out from under this people pile." He smirks and raises both of his hands in a surrender motion, "Close enough..." he says jokingly, and chuckles.

He grabs my outstretched arms and pulls me out slowly, a slight sweat forming on his brow. "Bloody hell, Kyle must be really heavy....." I hear him mutter as I am half way out of the pile. I knew it wasn't my lack of arm muscle! Ha!

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