Chapter 12

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

I turn around quickly to see Lord Druitt, What happened? Wasn't Ciel supposed to take care of him?!

"O-oh good evening Lord Druitt..." I say smiling at him, my eye twitches a bit as I see that Ciel is no where to be found.

"Pardon me for asking you this but are you a maiden?" He asks me getting closer to my face to examine it.

I grow a tic mark, "N-no I'm afraid your mistaken... I'm 100% male... haha..."

Honestly... well at least he didn't just assume I was a crossdressing female.

"Oh my! To be blessed with such beauty and youth! I think you might just be my type too!" Lord Druitt says cupping my chin and putting his hand around my waist pulling me closer.

A shiver goes down my back, oh no... he's a pedophile... I shouldn't have looked him in the eyes...

"Come with me! I want to show you something!" Lord Druitt says pulling me into the ballroom. He then pulls me into a room, "W-wait! I have friends that are supposed to pick-" "Don't worry we're going to a very nice place!" Lord Druitt said as I start to get a tad light headed.

"Um... Lord Druitt I think there is something wrong... it smells really sweet in here..." Suddenly a wave of nausea hits me and my eye sight starts to get blurry.

"W-what...?" I mumble as I stumble, fall down, and hit the floor.




W-what? Where am I?

I hear someone next to me shuffling around. "Hello? Who else is hear?" I whisper.

"Rei?! What are you doing here!? Your supposed to be waiting for us on the balcony!" I hear Ciel's voice whisper back. "Uh... yah about that...." I start to say but I was cut off by Lord Druitts voice.

"And now, what you've all been waiting for: tonight's Crown Jewels." I hear a shuffle of fabric being lifted.

"On the left is the first jewel, you may enjoy her as a decoration, or make a pet of her. I imagine she'd even make an attractive part of a ceremony. Or if you want to sell her parts individually, that's up to you. Her eyes bear the contrasting colors of a deep forest and the sea reflecting a beautiful sky."

What a long introduction... I remember a book in Ciel's study saying that things like this are called 'black market auctions'... so that must mean we're being sold...

I hear footsteps walk up next to me and a cloth being lifted. "And on my right is the second jewel, this one is male but he is quite the beauty. His skin is soft and it glows in the moonlight, he too would make a fine decoration or pet. He has a voice like those of merfolk, luring in sailors to their doom. I too was drawn in by his beautiful voice! You can sell his parts or use him as ceremonial tool as well."

"I shall show you them now." Viscount says as I hear footsteps walk to the left of me and behind me.

Someone takes off the cloth blocking my view and I see a large mass of people.

I look over at Ciel and he looks back at me. "Here I am, Sebastian." Ciel says looking away as his right eye glows brightly with Sebastian's contract mark.

The candles go out and I can hear Lord Druitt mutter something like "What the?" As screams can be heard around us.

The candle lights it's self again and I see Sebastian standing in the middle of a large group of passed out people. "Good grief. You're truly good for nothing but getting yourself captured. And Rei I would have expected that at least YOU wouldn't get yourself captured." He says walking up the stage.

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