Chapter 16

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

Madam Red's hand grabbed mine and a soft glow surrounded her, she disappears in a burst of light as our palms touch.

"Wait wait wait wait wait!!! Your the future heir and your in this realm?!" Grell shouts pointing his chainsaw at me.

"If your the heir, then your power must be equivalent to god or possibly greater... OH~ it excites me thinking about tainting your pure white, red! Next time, Rei~ I will have you! Farewell, Madam Red." Grell says taking Madam Red's coat and slipping it on as he walks away.

A shiver goes down my back and I can feel Kyle walk up behind me, he pulls me towards him. I glance at Kyle from the corner of my eye to see him glaring at Grell.

Ciel walks up to where we are standing and he crouches down next to Madam Reds body, he closes Madam Reds eyes, her tears still fresh on her face. "What are you doing, Sebastian?" Sebastian looks up at Ciel questioningly. "I told you to put an end to Jack the Ripper. It's not over yet." Ciel... I know it's hard, but Madam Red is going to be reborn and given a second chance... she may not remember you but the feelings she held for you in her first life will always be there...

"Don't dawdle. Hurry up and kill the other one!" Ciel says, his voice hardening.

Sebastian looks at him, surprised that he didn't break out into tears from the loss of another family member. He smirks a bit, "Very good, my lord."

Grell chuckles, "I was going to be nice and let you go, but if you insist." He starts his chainsaw up once again, "I'll send you all to heaven!" And he swings the garden tool at Sebastian.

"Actually that would be extremely helpful...." Kyle mutters as I hand my staff to him. "We've got to find a better way to carry this around..." Kyle says as he looks at the staff in his hands.

"Heaven? Heaven and I are strangers." Sebastian says as he starts to attack Grell. "Rude..." Kyle mutters deadpanning at the fact that Sebastian ignored the fact that angles were living under the same roof as him and his master.

I crouch down next to Ciel and pull him into a hug, "Ciel, Madam Red is still alive... just in a different form at the moment." I gesture to myself, "Her soul is inside of me at the moment so I can protect her until I create a shell to put her soul into...."

He is probably going to be surprised when he hears what I'm about to say next.... I lean down next to his ear, "Also I need you not to be so gloomy from now on since you are going to help me take care of Madam Reds reincarnation, I don't know how to raise a child of this realm and neither does Kyle so I can't have you rubbing off on her. But I also need either you or the servants to be the father to raise her..." I smile down at Ciel as he looks up at me surprised, his eyes widening.

"So you are going to!-...." he blushes a bit "-make a child when you don't even know how to properly raise one?!" He grows a tick mark growing on his head as he face palms.

I laugh sheepishly as I scratch the back of my head and throw my arms over Ciel and Kyle's shoulders. "Well that's why I have you two to help me!"

Kyle looks at me blankly, "Who said I would help you two raise a child." "WHAAAAAAAAAA-" I exclaim as Ciel grabs Kyle's shoulder, his bangs covering his eyes, and a purple aura oozing out of him. "If I have to, then you have to as well..."

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