Chapter 30

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Hey guys!! I'm back!! Did you miss me~? Haha, just kidding! Now moving on to the chapter....

Rei's POV

"Something smells a bit--"
"Off..." Kyle finishes off for me as we sniff the air a bit.

Ciel looks at us, raising an eyebrow.

I look over a Kyle, "Indeed, it smells... evil." "I cant tell whether its Sebastian, the fallen, or something else..." Kyle trails off as his eyebrows furrow.
"I propose that its probably a mix of both..." I offer, shrugging my shoulders.

"Ciel, stay close to us just incase anything happens." Ciel looks at Kyle and sighs, "As if I could leave you two alone. I can't have you two embarrassing me in front of the queen."
"Just so you know, I went through royal training too... it's just that I chose not to be a stiff butt hole while on earth."

"It's true. In front of demi god and lower gods, Rei can't loose face or else he would be considered weak and some of the other gods would take the chance to exploit any weakness for their own gain... greedy bastards.... they need to learn to respect the son of who created them." Kyle chimes in.
I nod my head a sheepishly laugh, "This is practically a vacation from everything going on in the upper realm."

As we focus our attention back to the stage we see Sebastian present his 'curry buns'. "This is the curry Funtom is proud to present. We call it, the curry bun!"
I try to stay focus on the bun but soon sweat starts to form on my brow. How can these people stand to wear so many layers of clothing?!

After finally having enough, a few silent words escaped my lips and the air around me cooled.

I let out a sigh in relief as Kyle face palms.
—I don't think anyone suspected anything but a few people did shiver for a moment at the sudden change of temperature. "No magic. Don't get caught." Were the quiet words Kyle whispered to me in warning.

"At least I'm not dying from the heat..." I mumble back. I see Ciel shiver at something (*cough* Viscount being a creepy pedo. *cough*) and I tilt my head at him, "Too cold?"

Ciel sweat drops, "It's best you don't know..."


Kyle nudges me and I look over to see him pointing at a few tables. "Let's go try some curry!"
A toothy grin takes over my face and we both walk over to the tables. I grab a few curry buns, a plate of Agni's curry, and Kyle does the same. Suddenly I stop, Kyle and the others notice too. "What's wrong?"
I look over at one table and I frown. Hurrying over, I grab a plate. Dipping one of my fingers in and tasting it.
this taste!

"Rei! Table manners!" Ciel scolds, though I won't blame him, he just dosen't want us to embarrass ourselfs... Kyle hushes him as I spit out the nasty taste of too much salt and evil. I hand the plate to Kyle, his eyes widen at the smell. "If this is what I think it is, then this should not be in the food... We can't have anymore people eating that curry!"

"Dont eat that curry!" I shout out to a girl at the table but I see her throw a guard into the air and a evil purple aura starts to surround her. "We're too late!"
The aura starts to spread and the people in the surrounding that ate the spice start to become effected too, like a chain reaction to all of the hate. Ciel looks worried, he looks to the right. "The Queen!" He quicky runs in to protect her but two people block him.

"I smell it... I smell it... Hatred and greed! The stench of impure!"

The people start to surround Ciel. Crap... What should we do!? Ciel said that we can't expose ourselfs!
I look at Kyle, my mind running at high speed. "Kyle..."

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