Chapter 27

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(Once again black butler doesn't belong to me, I only own Rei, Kyle, and the others that aren't in the actual black butler.)

Btw let me just say I was SUPER excited to write this chapter!!!!


Rei's POV


My cheeks puff up as I pout at Kyle's overdramatic reaction. "Stop making such a big deal about it... it's not that shocking." I whisper, pinching him.

My attention is brought to the purple haired man again as he starts to walk towards us while holding a paper up. "Have you seen an Indian who looks like this?" I frown a bit when I realize that his robes are not the same robes that I wear. Got my hopes up......

"Stay out of this!" The tan skinned male shouts towards the two men walking our way.

"Are you dueling?" The purple haired man asks. I tilt my head as his eyes glance over Kyle, Sebastian, Ciel, and I. "He has a khansama with him... Are you an English nobleman? What of you two? Are you English nobles as well? ....But the robes the blond is wearing are not of this country so..." If I recall.... a khansama is.... a butler..?

"What if I am?" Ciel replies next to me. "U-Um... My friend and I are from abroad.... b-but I don't see why this information is necessary..." I speak out, my voice getting smaller as the eyes land on us.

"I will side with my countrymen. Agni!" He calls to his friend who is behind him. "Yes?" Oh boy.... I can tell already this will be a bit troublesome.... "Defeat them." The purple male says simply. The male behind him puts a hand to his heart and says something similar to 'yes, my lord' but in their language.

"I shall brandish the right hand the heavens bestowed on me for my master." The man called 'Agni' pulls off a bandage around his arm and I turn my head to Kyle, looking him in the eye. We both nod towards each other , hiding our hands behind our backs, we pull out our weapons and jump into fighting stance. Sebastian pulls Ciel back and we engage in battle.

The purple haired man raises a eyebrow at this, "Agni, be careful of the two from abroad. They seem to be some sort of magician." Agni nods at this and throws strikes towards us. "He's fast." Sebastian comments as he blocks a few hits with his arm. Kyle and I let out a playful smile, "Not fast enough." I say as he looks back, only to see my after image.

I appear above him and I aim for the spot on his neck with my staff that should make humans go numb. Agni looks up and our eyes meet but then his eyes widen. I tilt my head a bit but I realize that his eyes weren't looking at me but under my robes... I let out a shriek, curling my legs up, I cover myself. Agni lets out a grunt of pain as my knees meet his face.

The commotion freezes and it seems that time slows down as my knees make impact to his face

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The commotion freezes and it seems that time slows down as my knees make impact to his face. He stabs my stomach with his fingers and jumps back. I stand up and dust myself off, Kyle running up behind me to make sure I'm okay. "Rei! How dare that hum-" Kyle lets out a cough but smoothly covers his slip up. "Man... how dare that man touch you! Your dads going to have my head!"

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