Chapter 22

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters (that would be awesome if I did but no, I do not) the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"I guess some parts of that old legend is true..." I mutter as the ground begins to shake. "W-what?" I question looking over at the direction the ruckus was coming from and saw a stampede of villagers.

"What's going on?" Kyle asks when the villagers stop infront of us. "We're going to stand under the waterfall to erase the demon hounds wrath!" Villager 1 said, a old lady villager peaked out from behind Villager 2 and joined in. "The great demon hounds voice echoed in the air last night!"

That... was probably Finny, I heard him too... *internal sweat drop*

Finny looks over at something and runs off, "Hey wait!" I shout and run after the older boy. We stop at what looks like remains of a old mansion/ castle. My senses prickle and a howl is heard, I sigh in slight annoyance.

Kyle groans and scratches the back of his head, "I really wish that this wasn't true but it seems like the ruckus was caused by a mutt."

Finny gasps and I turn my head to see what they were looking at, a white hell hound with red eyes.

Fire starts to spill out of the corners of its mouth, "Hey, is that..." Bard starts off as the dog growls. "It's a hell hound." Me and Kyle mutter with blue dread marks on our temples, I sigh. It's a curse I tell you... why must I always be right?...

"It's the demon hound!" The servants cry out and the hell hound starts to charge towards us.   "Greaaaattttttt....." Kyle says sarcastically. "I don't see why your so bothered, hell hounds aren't that strong...." I say smirking a bit, I believe my confidence has built up since entering the human realm. ... oh no....






Sebastian's overconfident self is rubbing off on me!!

"It's not that, hell hounds are just so...... annoying." Kyle wines childishly. I sweat drop, that's why you were so bothered?

Finny runs towards the hell hound spouting stuff like 'Angela-San!' And jumps on the oversized dog. He.... just... did that.... WAIT WHAT?!

Kyle face palms as Finny is flung around like a 'rag doll' as humans call it.

"Let me see this!" Bard grabs a gun from Tanaka and aims it at the hound. "I'll show you what I can do..." I hear him mutter as he pulls the trigger... rainbow confetti flys out.

Kyle and I face plant at the colorful fail. "Why did you bring a party favor?!" Bard exclaims panicked and annoyed.

I look over and see Finny being thrown to the ground, the hound on its hind legs and about to crush him. Mey-Rin screams and Kyle looks at me as if to say 'I'll get the next one, you take care of it this time. I've got your back if you need me.' I sigh, he's probably A. Too lazy, B. Doesn't want to do it, or C. Wants me to get 'experience points' is what he calls it.

My hand glows lightly and I grab hilt of my staff, "I guess this is around the time I step in to save you all." I say coolly as I pull my staff out of my hand all the way and block the incoming paw. My hair sways lightly in the wind making me feel super badass/awesome.

I look back at Finny, his eyes shut tightly, ready to take the fatal blow. I feel like I'm somehow stealing Sebastian's spot light... usually he's here by now....

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