Chapter 28

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I do not own Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) or any of its characters, I only own my characters such as Rei, Kyle and Rei's father.


Rei's POV

As I lay in bed with Kyle, Ciel's bed which is across the room because he wanted to sleep with me as well. I hear a shuffling noise and the sound of foot steps entering our room. Must be Sebastian... Is it morning already?

I slowly lift my body up out of bed and I let out a small yawn. I shake Kyle's shoulder to wake him up as I rub my eye leisurely. "Morning Sebastian...." I mumble as I stand up to grab my robe, I throw it on as the blinds are pulled back and I hear a voice, "It's time to wake up, Lord Phantomhive."

I let out a shriek, Kyle jumps out of bed startled, and Ciel rubs his eye mumbling, "Lord Phantomhive?"

"Um... Ciel, So.... yesterday wasn't just a troublesome dream?" I say quietly as dread lines quickly appear under my eye. Ciel quickly pops out of bed as Agni greets him good morning.

Standing on the sheets, Ciel is quick to ask what he is doing in our room. "Ah..." I manage to speak out as Soma pulls Ciel down and carries him princess style. "We're going out. Show us around town." He says looking at me and Kyle as he turns towards us, holding a protesting Ciel.

"Uh, why should we?" Kyle asks clearly confused as I am. I hand Kyle his clothes and he swiftly slides them all on. "All right, I order you guys to show me around town. Plus I need to spend time getting to know my future wife." Soma says jumping over Ciel's bed and running towards me. "Come." He says simply as he guides me out the door with Kyle following behind.

Sebastian is quick to appear at the door, blocking the Indian prince. "Pardon me."

He slightly bows towards Soma and calmly speaks out, "My apologies, but my master's schedule for the day is filled with study and work."

I look between Sebastian and Soma, I sweat drop. How come they haven't noticed that Ciel has a pentagram on his eye.... or that he has a eye under that eye patch?

______Time skip______

I sit down next to Kyle as we watch Ciel play the violin. But suddenly he is interrupted by the sound of strange mumbling. """Eh? What's that?""" Kyle, Ciel, and I all ask at the same time. We look to our right to see Agni and Soma.... summoning a... demon?

"They... are summoning a demon?" I voice my thoughts out loud as I inspect the strange looking statue. "They seem to be praying, but its quite a surreal idol, isn't it?" Lau says correcting my assumption. I make a "Ohhhhh..." noise and nod my head, looking at the statue intruded.

"To me it merely looks like the statue of a woman carrying a severed head, wearing a necklace of severed heads, and dancing madly on top of a man's stomach..." Sebastian says as he looks at the statue, clearly amused at the things the humans worship. "She is Kali, a goddess of our Hindu faith." Agni quickly informs with a smile.

"A..... goddess?" I ask out loud, I tilt my head. I have yet to meet this lady.... I'll ask Father about it when I get home.....

"She is the wife of Shiva and the goddess of power." Agni informs and he pulls out a painting from thin air and explains the details about this lady.

"There you have it." Ciel says looking back at Sebastian as I lean on Ciel's shoulder and make a humming noise of acknowledgement. "Hmm, I wasn't aware of anyone so strong. I'll have to take care if I travel to India." Sebastian says quietly as he puts his hand to his chin in a thinking manner.

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