Chapter 6

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I do NOT own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, the only thing I own is Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

"Don't touch him!" that you? Why do you sound so angry?

I felt a hand caress my face and the other hand hold me up by my waist. "His face and body should be worth quite a pretty penny."

Huh? Are they talking about me? Or is someone else here too?

"Bastard!" I hear Ciel snarl at whoever is holding me. "Not so tough now are you, Guard dog." "He's not even apart of this!" Ciel... I here him mutter something along the lines of "What's taking him so long, I'm tired of this trash touching R- I mean our guest." 

My eyes open even though they feel as if led had been stuffed in them. My eyes adjust to the bright light and I see that scar face from earlier is holding me.

I cough a bit and look at scar face "Um... excuse me? Do you mind letting me go? This position isn't exactly comfortable...." He looks at me and snares "Why are you acting so high and mighty I can kill you right now if I wanted to!"

"E-ehhh??!! Im sorry sir but I think you have it all wrong I'm just uncomfortable in this pos-" "SHUT UP!" Scar face glares at me.

Okay.... so he's clearly not friendly and he is threatening to kill me..... should I fight him? or....... oh wait.... I don't have my staff... I try to cast a spell but my mind is still cloudy from the drug they gave me.

I am thrown down to where Ciel is when the sound of screaming is heard from the other side of the door. "Hey Ciel, do you know where my staff is?" I ask worried that I might have lost it. He just looks at me a shakes his head no.

"Is Sebastian coming or......" I trail off trying to think of Sebastian no coming for his young master.

I sweat drop ...for some reason... I just can't imagine that....

Suddenly Sebastian comes through the two wooden doors. "I have come here to retrieve my master and Rei."

Scar face holds up a gun and points it towards Sebastian, "Ha! This is a surprise. I was imagining a brawny giant, but you're just some milksop in a tailcoat... Who are you? You're not just a butler."

"No, I am merely one hell of a butler...that's all." Wow... he actually made that his catch phrase....

"Oh, really? At any rate, I don't intend to fight you. But..." Scar face grabs Ciel's hair and puts a gun to Ciel's head. "You better have brought the goods."

"Yes" Sebastian pulls out a key, "Here it is." Then, out of nowhere a bullet is shot and it goes through Sebastian's head, then more shots are fired at Sebastian and his blood splatters everywhere.

Oh god, I've never seen so much blood in the past few days, in my entire life!

I know Sebastian is not dead, my teacher has taught us better than that.... it's just that I have my stupid moments.

Scar face starts laughing, "Sorry, milksop, but I win this game! I'm up against Phantomhive, the game master, so of course I had my trump card to play!... I damaged the goods a little bit, but you should fetch a good price even if they can't sell your parts." He smirks in Ciel's face and pulls off his eyepatch with the gun.

Scar face starts tapping gun under Ciel's chin, "Now, no need to be scared. By the time some pervert takes you two in.." Pervert? What's that? (Rei skipped Health class because he got sick and had to stay home for the semester because of his overprotective father. 0_0")

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