Chapter 33

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Okay....first update of the year... took me long enough lol. I made this one pretty long for you guys!!! Sorry for leaving you on that cliff hanger!


Rei's POV

I sigh and fall back onto my back. "Well that took longer than I expected to clean up..."

I look around and notice a large difference with modifications I made. Books filling rows and rows of shelves, circling around me in archives. I glide over to a nearby book shelf and I slip out a random book.

I flip through the pages and a memory takes shape around me. Looking around, I note that this memory was back up in the kingdom.

"Come on Rei~ All you do is study! How about you play with me? There is horse back riding, swimming, checking out the market place, but all you do is study and hang around the library!" A child with long green hair that appears to be a few years older complains as he tugs on mini-me. Mini-me sighs as I knew what was going to happen next.

"Stop trying to be a bad influence on Rei-sama..." A angle with short black hair mutters as he lightly tugs on the other half of mini-me.

"Both of you stop pulling on him! Show more respect to our future heir!" Mini-Kyle says playfully as he pulls Mini-me up on to the branch above the others with him.

""Kyle stop butting in!""

"...Thanks!" I say smiling at my friend who got me out of the two others dispute.

"Ge, I wonder how those two are in the top 10 in performance in the academy." Kyle mutters as he messes with a piece of his hair dangling in his face.

"They don't act this way in front of the others, silly." Mini-me giggles as I watch the older green haired male ruffle the other angles hair.

"Yah, you would never expect the class 2nd place academic to be the overprotective type and the academy's play boy to be clingy to the top student of the school who is also the future heir..." Kyle rolls his eyes.

play... boy? I shrug it off and mini-me smartly retorts, "Yah and you would never expect the delinquent new kid to be a big softy."

Kyle blushed and I giggle as I watch the interaction between mini me and mini Kyle.

"Rei-sama!" ('ω)

"Rei!" ( '   )

"B-baka." ∑(Д;)

"Those two... we're going to get an earful from them when we get back..." I giggle as the memory fades out. I blink and I notice my modifications to my memory archives changing. "What... is going on?"

I look around and watch everything around me change. My archive gains more room and it becomes a bit brighter. Oh... so this was like.. how could I phrase it... a level up?

 a level up?

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