Chapter 10

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I do not own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters, I only own Rei and Kyle.

Rei's POV

Ciel and I sit across from each other, Ciel looking at a letter and me looking outside the window. Sebastian stops the carriage outside a manor smaller than Ciel's but still large.

Sebastian opens the door and helps Ciel out first, then offers a hand to me as well.

I shake my head, "I'm fine." And I hop out of the carriage. "Ugh, there are too many people in London!" Ciel complains walking towards to manor.

Sebastian opens the door for us, "From the country manor house to the London townhouse... Its traditional for the nobility to move en masse for the Season."

I hop up the stairs, skipping a step every now and then. "The season, eh? Honestly, these cretins have too much free time." I nudge Ciel with my elbow, "That's not nice Ciel!" He rolls his eyes at my childishness.

"Getting away from the estate occasionally might provide a nice change of pace." Sebastian reasons with him.

"For one thing, those four aren't here... We should be able to spend some quiet time, my Lord." He says smiling. I elbow him too, "Are you implying that they are too loud? What's with you two saying mean things?" I question pouting and crossing my arms.

"Quiet time, hmm?" Ciel mutters to himself, looking like he liked that idea. We open the door at the top of the stair case and we're welcomed by a messy room with three people rummaging through everything.

"For goodness sake! Wherever do they keep the tea in this place?" Madam Red asks looking through the cabinets. "I can't find it either." Lau comments.

Ciel, Sebastian ,and I all look at the chaos Sebastian's words echoing in our heads 'Should be able to spend some quiet time...'
(Rei's face reaction is like in the pic below)

'(Rei's face reaction is like in the pic below)

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I look at Sebastian accusingly "Great going

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I look at Sebastian accusingly "Great going.... you jinxed us." He gave a offended look. Madam Reds laughs at something causing me to look back at the chaotic scene again.

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